Medicine and Healthcare Essay Examples

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Knowledge of the Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease in Postmenopausal African American Women

The coronary artery disease (CAD) is today considered to be a primary cause of death for most persons, especially in the developed nations (American Heart Association, 20...
7 Pages 
(1753 Words)

Want To Live Longer? Get a Dog - Essay Sample

The study was about how the act of owning a dog can help in increasing the life of its owner. It showed that an individual who holds a dog could benefit from a 33% decrea...
3 Pages 
(620 Words)

Health Assessment of the Young and Middle-Aged Adult - Essay Sample

Regular exercising is one of the most powerful ways of improving body health. Medical research and findings advocate for regular physical activity, abstinence from drug a...
5 Pages 
(1371 Words)

The Role Social Media and IT Play in Healthcare - Research Paper Example

The use of social media is on the increase since its advent. It has changed the way communication is disseminated from where it has been produced down to its consumers. I...
7 Pages 
(1867 Words)

Medical Essay on Teens with Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes condition happens when the beta cells in the pancreas are destroyed by the immune system. The beta cells are responsible for insulin production in the bod...
7 Pages 
(1847 Words)

Essay on the Basic Understanding of Nutrition

Nutrition is termed to be an elementary constituent of health and is always good for one to grow usually and develop the body. It is also essential when it comes to tissu...
4 Pages 
(830 Words)

Prevalence of Fall Among Geriatric Patients - Paper Example

It is not easy to deny that the condition of falls among the elderly and geriatric patients has been a problem whose solution and management requires a deep understanding...
4 Pages 
(864 Words)

Institutional Affiliation: Abortion Should Be Illegal - Paper Example

Many critics and human rights activist argue if abortion should be legalized. Each year, many cases reported by medical practitioners about women who want to undertake ab...
3 Pages 
(717 Words)

Childhood Obesity - Paper Example

On the other hand, overweight is a term used interchangeably with obesity to avoid stigmatization of the victims. Excess or abnormal body fats can either be described as...
4 Pages 
(835 Words)

Conservative Surgical Treatment Methods of Aortic Pathology - Research Paper Example

Background: There has been marked increase in the number of cases with aortic pathology, which resulted in the search for conservative surgical treatment methods. Improve...
5 Pages 
(1327 Words)