Medicine and Healthcare Essay Examples

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Legal and Ethical Aspects of A Case Study

In matters of life and death, critical decisions are made, these decisions go against the law or moral principles. Janet had her advance directives with certified signatu...
6 Pages 
(1444 Words)

Essay on Improving the Welfare of Both the Autistic Children and Their Family Members

Autism has become one of the major causes of depression in many families of the 21st Century. To start with, autism is a disorder in which kids show impaired or regressive social interactions, verbal or non-verbal com...
7 Pages 
(1892 Words)

Lower Abdominal Pain During Menstruation - Medical Case Study

Jennet, who is currently married, said that she had her menarche at the age of fifteen. The patient complained of sensations of coldness and a colicky pain in the lower abdomen every first day of her menstru...
6 Pages 
(1383 Words)

Essay on Mutual Support Group for Alcohol and Substance

Mutual support groups, or the so-called self-help groups, are an important part of recovery program from substance use disorders (SUDs). SUDs are nowadays common in our s...
5 Pages 
(1182 Words)

Rural Urban Health Differential In Australia

In Australia, just like some other regions of the world, one can be excused for thinking that life in the rural areas is much rosier than the metropolitan or the urban ar...
7 Pages 
(1857 Words)

Medical Essay on Turner Syndrome

Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs in girls and it is only predominant in the female sex. The genetic disorder occurs as a result of a structural alteratio...
5 Pages 
(1196 Words)

Essay on Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) characterized as varying degrees of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention leading to disruption of academic, social an...
4 Pages 
(876 Words)

Evaluation Paper of Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cervical cancer in the year 1951. On her visit to John Hopkins, the doctors took samples of her cervix and went ahead in growing and ke...
4 Pages 
(855 Words)

Argument Paper on Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Many people agree that legalizing marijuana would have many benefits. Medical marijuana can be used for medical purposes, and it generates tax revenue. Medical marijuana...
5 Pages 
(1253 Words)

Medical Essay on Rheumatoid Heart Disease

Rheumatoid Heart Disease is a condition that damages one or two heart valves, and it occurs mostly after rheumatoid fever. The condition happens when there are recurrent...
4 Pages 
(1047 Words)