Crime Prevention Essay Examples

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Why White-Collar Crime Is a Growth Industry - Paper Example

It has been argued that the government encourages white-collar chicanery through abdication of their responsibilities. Lack of investigations by criminologists is a facto...
3 Pages 
(568 Words)

Crime Prevention - Essay Sample

Both economic and non-economic motivated crimes are common in universities. A learning institution is likely to experience crime related to the theft of items such as car...
7 Pages 
(1758 Words)

How Can My Community Reduce Crime? - Essay Example

My community can reduce the chances of burglaries and home invasion by implementing a proactive strategy that concentrates on stopping crime before it happens, and knowin...
6 Pages 
(1432 Words)

Effects of Police Department Budget on Crime Solving Rate - Research Proposal

Police departments are significant participants in municipal budgeting in most states. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimated that the police departments spent over $2...
7 Pages 
(1777 Words)

Essay on Community Policing Strategies

Community policing is a strategy that is employed by law enforcement agencies, where police officers form a close working relationship with the community members that the...
3 Pages 
(571 Words)

Policing Era - Essay Example

In addition to preventing crime, community policing in Arkansas is oriented on crime prevention and resolving common community problems. In Arkansas community, the police...
4 Pages 
(1100 Words)

The Police Neighbourhood and Safety - Paper Example

From the viewpoint of a patrol officer, the broken windows theory applies to the scenario in Anonymous City. A section of the theory explains how disorder in a neighborho...
3 Pages 
(779 Words)

Geographical Problem Analysis Paper Example

In the United States, gang problem has remained a stubborn, persistent problem over the decades. Kids associated with gangs are involved in risks that go beyond crime an...
4 Pages 
(839 Words)

Paper Example on Crime, Juvenile Delinquency and Corrections

Of all the readings and assumptions we discussed in class, the most common idea is the degree of crime and the continuous increase in crime in the country. The chapter is...
2 Pages 
(544 Words)

Essay Sample on Pro-Gun Control

Gun control has sparked heated debates in recent times. The debates question the rights of Americans to own firearms including rifles, shotguns, and handguns. On one hand...
5 Pages 
(1219 Words)