Nursing Essay Examples

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Essay Sample on Closing the Theory-Practice Gap in Nursing

The existence of a gap between the theory and practice the nursing field has existed for a long time creating various discussions and debates on who is responsible. What...
5 Pages 
(1223 Words)

Medical Essay on Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

Ventilator-associated pneumonia refers to the lung infection which affects patients who are on the mechanical ventilation breathing machines. These patients are already c...
3 Pages 
(653 Words)

Essay on My Reflection as a Manager on a Residential Care Home

People encounter different situations in their lives that can be used to analyze their strengths and weaknesses (Rich, Lepine and Crawford 2010). There various issues tha...
7 Pages 
(1845 Words)

Emergency Nurses Perceptions of Disaster Preparedness - Nursing Essay Sample

Disaster planning is imperative in any institution. Due to the unplanned nature of accidents and emergencies, it is only wise if workers of any organization are prepared...
7 Pages 
(1832 Words)

QSEN Competencies Best Suited for Hospital Readmission Reduction Practicum Project

There are three organizations are beneficial to maintaining health care standards, implementing quality and safety competencies, as well as creating and setting initiativ...
4 Pages 
(942 Words)

Essay on Role of the Nurse Practitioner vs the Physician Assistant

The medical industry is experiencing tremendous changes which have resulted in high demand for medical staff. The vast transformations present a clear demonstration that...
4 Pages 
(977 Words)

Articles Analysis Essay on Nursing Care and Genomics of Type 1 Diabetes

In Martin, L. R., & In DiMatteo, M. R. (2014) The Oxford handbook of health communication, behavior change, and treatment adherenceThis study highlights the new kind...
4 Pages 
(962 Words)

The Clinical Scholar Model in Evidence-Based Practice

The Clinical Scholar Model provides a great framework for the investigation and implementation of evidence-based practices for health care providers like the nurses. It h...
3 Pages 
(588 Words)

Essay on Nursing Conflict Resolution Strategies

In nursing, conflicts are resolved using three main strategies which are collaboration, compromise, and accommodation. (Baddar, Salem & Villagracia, 2016).Collaborati...
2 Pages 
(457 Words)

Essay Sample on Clinical Objectives

For me, nursing is not only a career but a vocation. I have grown in a family of nurses which has significantly nurtured my interest in the field; saving human life is my...
3 Pages 
(670 Words)