Climate Change Essay Examples

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Are Humans the Cause of Global Climatic Change? - Essay Example

Over the last five decades, global warming has been accelerating at a fast rate. Climatic change has been a significant area of concern, and a lot of studies are being ca...
7 Pages 
(1788 Words)

Paper Example on Impacts of Global Warming on Ballona Wetlands

Ballona Wetlands are east of Playa del Rey, south of Marina del Rey, west of Lincoln Blvd and north of Washington Blvd covering about 130 square miles in Southern Califor...
3 Pages 
(803 Words)

Research Paper Example on Global Warming and Religion

While a large percentage of people believe that God controls the climate, a significant number hold the opinion that human activity is responsible for global warming. A s...
3 Pages 
(665 Words)

Paper Example on High Temperatures in Arctic Regions

Study reports indicate that Arctic temperatures are rising more rapidly than before and the effects of such a rapid change are already being felt around the world. This m...
6 Pages 
(1404 Words)

Behavioral Economics and Climate Change Policy - Essay Sample

Introduction and motivationBehavioral economics has been defined as an application of behavioral and experimental psychology to the discipline of human decision making th...
6 Pages 
(1646 Words)

Climate Change: Sea-Level Rise - Essay Sample

Climate change is a critical topic that has received high attention in the modern times because of the consequences that continue to manifest over time. Industrialization...
4 Pages 
(930 Words)

The Global Warming Debate Paper Example

The issue of global warming has been received with varying reactions since its first publication. Different people have different views about the reality of global warmin...
8 Pages 
(2035 Words)

Essay on Effects of Climate Change and Response Strategies

According to the authors of Vulnerability of Waterborne Diseases to Climate Change in Canada: A Review, the phenomenon affects various aspects of societal well-being ranging from water qu...
4 Pages 
(913 Words)

Annotated Bibliography on Climate Change

Biello, D. (2007). Ten solutions for climate change: Ten possibilities for staving off catastrophic climate change.Since the enormity of climate change and global warming...
3 Pages 
(596 Words)

Paper Example on Climate Change and the Napa Valley Wine Industry

In the following document, the main issues facing the Napa Valley Wine Industry due to climate change shall be assessed. As a result of a detailed analysis of each issue,...
7 Pages 
(1758 Words)