The issue of global warming has been received with varying reactions since its first publication. Different people have different views about the reality of global warming, whether it is right or just false statements meant to benefit a specific group of people is a matter that has raised debates in several instances. Scientists lead by NASA spent sleepless nights in researching the effects and causes of the earth warming. Basing their research on ocean warming, acidification and ocean levels, the surface temperature of the planet, the decrease in mass of the ice sheets in Antarctic and sea ice in the Arctic sea, and snow disappearing from mountain caps. All these researchers have concluded that there is total climate change over the years. Research has shown that the primary cause of the global warming is due to human activities.
The other side of the argument claims that the people in charge of the research and those in charge of reporting the results do not believe in their research. John Nolte, an editor-at-large at the daily wire, a conservationist and a film director thinks that there is nothing like global warming and that the organizations responsible for the announcement of this are doing so for their benefits. In his article on the daily wire dated January 19, 2017, John Nolte tears apart CNN and blames them for announcing what they do not believe. His great fear about the issue of global warming is the change in the names from global cooling to global warming and recent climate change.
NASA, which is responsible for the research, in a joint study between them and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), announced that global temperature has risen by 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit. The rise in temperatures has occurred within the late 19th century up to date. NASA believes that this change in temperature is due to human activities that cause the release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Since the industrial revolution, burning of fossil fuel has been at its peak; more carbon gases have been released into the atmosphere. There is also the claim of the greenhouse effect. Several gases are attributed to the greenhouse effect; these gases are Nitrous oxide, Carbone dioxide, methane and water vapor. NASA believes that these gases are responsible for the high radiations from earth to space.
NASA has also shown that there is high heat absorption by the oceans. In a research conducted by NASA and university researchers, they found out that the Antarctic ice shelf mass loss is due to the ice shelves. They believe that basal melting is responsible for 55 percent of the mass lost from 2003 to 2008. This rise in temperatures of the oceans also affects the living organisms in the oceans. The scientist defends their side by giving living examples of how the melting of the ice has caused a rise in sea levels over the decades.
A report that was announced to the public by the CNN showed that due to the rise in sea levels, several low lying island and cities would be under water by 2015. This was because the trend at which the sea levels were seen rising lead to that conclusion. CNN which is a cable news network is the leading platform that is used by NASA when giving reports of their finding and research as far as climate is concerned.
Apart from the ocean warming and the sea levels, NASA believes that disappearing of glacier cover on several mountaintops is due to the changing climate change. The rise in earth temperature has caused the disappearance of their glaciers. From their research, they believe the disappearance was first observed the 90s where a mountain like Kilimanjaro in East Africa, Tanzania, had more glacier cover by then as compared to date. Some mountain has wholly lost their glaciers leaving only a few deposits on the peak. According to NASA, this shows the extent of destruction that has been caused by the rising temperatures.
The NSIDC through their extensive research by their satellites have shown that the snow cover is lower than in the recent years, they have also discovered that the snow melts earlier in the past five decades. According to NASA, this research shows that due to the high temperatures, the duration of days for the cold days have reduced. The earth surface warms earlier in the winter hence causing early melting of the snow.
The other side of the debate also stand firm with their points, JOHN NOLTE, believes that the entire story about global warming is a sham and has no basis at all. He dismisses the claim by NASA through CNN that temperatures have increased by 1 degree Celsius during the pre-industrial times up to date. He argues that death has been recorded to be lower during the warmer years on earth. According to him, the mortality rate during the more heated years is smaller compared to the more cooling time. More food is grown despite the fact that its warmer and lastly another proof for the ambiguity of the CNN news about climate change is that it is evident that heating requires more energy than cooling, so the editor sees no harm in having a rise in temperature.
John does not believe in the research process that the CNN and NASA have undertaken. He argues that it is not possible to get accurate data by basing a research on an indefinite percentage. The earth has been in existence for over 1 billion years, founding a study on 140 years is a big joke. According to him, he believes that we are entirely unaware of how earth operates naturally. Therefore we cannot conclude the changing weather trends.
The conservationist gives an example of the cautions that the CNN and the NASA have been giving to Americans. Since the times that the announcement came out about the ozone layer depletion, by know, the possibilities are that there could be no ozone layer and therefore every person could be dead. But that's not the case. Another example that the communist is giving to defend their side is about Manhattan. The CNN had presented a report about the sinking of the region. They explained that due to the rising sea levels, Manhattan was at risk of succumbing into the ocean by the year 2015. This did not happen. Therefore for the communist side, this shows that the CNN and their scientist counterparts are giving fall accounts of the nature of climatic change.
For the communist side, they think this is meant to create fear in the ordinary citizens. Giving a current account to support their claim, the CNN is owned by a company that has invested billions in the same areas that face the risk of sinking. So the big question is, should we believe that the areas are at risk of sinking while the same people whore are proclaiming the risk are investing in the dark spots. John thinks that if CNN does not believe in the possibility of the climate catastrophic ahead, then who we to believe the same are. After all, charity begins at home. This fear is, therefore, according to the John, designed to make the people in the region relocate to other areas so that the political class can make their investments in the areas.
It is miserable to realize that the political class can use a severe issue about the world to make their dreams come true. But can this be true, is NASA and CNN in a game for their benefits? NASA is claiming that we are facing a drastic climatic change as a result of global warming. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent body of the United States government. It has been giving the responsibility to conduct space research. As an agency that is full of qualified scientist, whatever they say to the public has undergone the scrutiny of high proficiency. The scientist has done their research and evaluated every aspect of the subject matters before come out in society to give their report. As an independent body, it operates without any outside interference hence cannot be biased.
From the reports that have been recently released by NASA concerning the issue of climate change, it is evident that the planet is endangered. The glaciers disappearance from mountains, the early melting of snow during winter and the problems of rising sea levels are all but tangible things that one would need rocket science to understand. The scientists are right to some reasonable extent. Hurricanes have occurred in the recent time with unimaginable magnitude. This shows that there is an abnormal change in the climate.
Thought the conservationist side talks more about CNN than NASA, what CNN is casting in its news is directly relayed from NASA. They are in business and therefore do what it takes to make them earn. As much as CNN is just new reporters and not experts in the global climate sector, They have to deliver as directed by the expert. There is no harm in reporting research that goes ahead and fails. The person to blame for the failure should not be the reporter but the person who delivered the news.
NASA receives funds from the United States. It derives its finances from the annual federal budget. US invest largely in the operation of NASA. This can dispute the issue of external influence. What could be the use of spending billions in a sham project?.
The CNN, on the other hand, is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System. This is a private news company that funded by the Time Warner. The owners of the news broadcasters have no political history and therefore may not have relayed the news about global warming for political interests or to grab some land after the evacuation of people from the affected areas.
On the other hand, the conservationist lead by Editor John Nolte claims that the CNN news is not real. He bases his arguments on the weakness of the events that are announced. He is also biased to give a detailed account of the failures of a section of the report. Instead of blaming the organization in charge of the story in question, he goes ahead and accuses the channel responsible for the broadcasting of the news.
The claim that Nolte gives that disputes the temperature increase since pre-industrial time are not scientific. He uses the possible rate of climate change and distributes it over the billions of years since the earth formed without considering the industrial revolution that saw an increase in the burning of fossil fuels and production of harmful gases to the atmosphere. The abrupt change in climate in a short time can be used to explain the future. The claim that it is not possible to understand the natural cycles of the earth, by studying it within few years, is nothing to go by.
The claim that CNN owners have been investing mainly in the affected areas is biased. Every entrepreneur is a risk taker. One has the liberty to invest wherever he/she feels strategic. For the CNN to build new offices in an area identifies among the affected areas that could sink under the ocean does not justify the claim that the company does not believe in what the broadcast. Also, CNN has the liberty to believe or not believe whatever they announce for them to act neutral as required by all media centers. Withholding the news could be a sign of biased therefore they are right by doing what most will consider correct.
Thought the scientist and the CNN have been faulty on some occasions by giving false reports or instead reports that end up differently as expected, most of their statements are accurate, and they happen. Therefore we must embrace change and live consciously. The climatic patterns have changed. Weather prediction has become hard as you cannot predict the natural earth cycle accurately. It is therefore advisable to join hand and support the scientists who are spending sleepless nights to come up with a lasting solution to the climate situation.
Nolte, J. (2017, January 19). PROOF: CNN Knows Climate Change Is a Big Fat Hoax. Retrieved November 17, 2017, from http://www.dailywire.com/news/12572/proof...
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