Climate change is a critical topic that has received high attention in the modern times because of the consequences that continue to manifest over time. Industrialization resulted in the increased combustion of fossil fuels and other activities both man-made and natural that emitted large amounts of dangerous gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat in the atmosphere hence causing increased temperatures on the earth surface. The general increase in the temperature on the earth surface, referred to as global warming, has a direct impact on the rise of sea level. The rise in global sea level has been the trend over the past century and National Ocean Service reports that the rate has increased in recent decades (National Ocean Service, 2017). The National Ocean Service (2017) noted that global sea level was 2.6 inches above the average witnessed in the year 1993. The rate of sea level rise is about one-eighth per year (National Ocean Service, 2017).
The rise in sea level is as a result of three major factors; all related to the global climate change. The first factor is the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps. Naturally, the large ice formations such as glaciers and ice caps in the Polar Regions melt in small bits during the summer seasons. The phenomenon balances during the winter seasons when snow forms after evaporation of sea water. However, the recent times have experienced increased melting of ice during the summer seasons and low snow formation because of delayed winters and earlier start of springs. Consequently, there is a significant increase in the rate of runoff into the oceans resulting in the rise of sea levels (National Geographic, 2017).
The loss of ice from Greenland and West Antarctica due to high temperatures is another cause of the rise in sea levels. The ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica continuously melt at a high rate as a result of global warming (National Geographic, 2017). The National Geographic (2017) further reports that scientists believe meltwater from above the ground and seawater from below seep beneath ice sheets of Greenland and West Antarctica hence causing lubrication of ice streams. The consequence of the lubrication is the movement of the ice into the sea where it breaks and melts due to high temperatures.
The last factor is thermal expansion which involves heating and expanding of water in oceans. The expansion of water results in occupation of more space hence the general rise in seas level. The National Geographic (2017) reports that almost half of the rise in sea level of the past century is due to warmer ocean waters.
The rise in sea levels serious consequences on habitats located in the coastal regions. For instance, The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions indicate that the coastal regions in the United States serve as home to over half of the population. The regions provide recreational opportunities to many people and provide valuable ecological services. However, the rise in sea level results in destructive erosion, flooding, contamination of aquifers and agricultural land and also the loss of habitat for aquatic organisms such as fish, plants and birds (Ayyub & Kearney 2012).
The erosion of coastal regions is a physical impact that has negative consequences on the economy. The coastal regions attract tourists due to beautiful beaches and landforms. However, continued erosion is likely to cause the destruction of features such as deltas and loss of wetlands and marshes. The effects will make coastal regions inhabitable both to human beings and other creatures (Ayyub & Kearney 2012).
Some of the endangered aquatic animal species such as turtles start their lives at the beaches. They make delicate nests on the beaches to raise offsprings. However, increase in sea level and cases of flooding sweeps away the nests resulting in the death of young ones. In addition, some of the plants are adapted to growing in the coastal regions and not in water. Therefore, the rise in sea level implies the plants are submerged in water where they cannot survive. The general effect is the extinction of plants and animals.
An increase in sea level implies the formation of larger and more powerful storms along the coastal regions. Such storms sweep everything along their paths causing the destruction of property and loss of lives. People living in the coastal regions are more vulnerable to this phenomenon of climate change hence they will be forced to vacate their homes and relocate to high grounds. The rise in sea level will also result in complete submerge of low-lying islands (Ayyub & Kearney 2012).
The topic of sea level rise due to climate change is significant considering the fact that its devastating impacts on the planet earth as the home of life. All people across the world have to act immediately and prevent further increase in the global temperatures. It is possible to reduce the rate of global warming through the adoption of green energy sources which have no effects of releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. There is also an urgent need for increasing tree coverage across the world which absorbs the carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. The governments should also increase their investment in curbing climate change. We can prepare a better world for future generations by stopping climate change (Ayyub & Kearney 2012).
Ayyub M.B. & Kearney S.M. (2012). Sea Level Rise and Coastal Infrastructure: prediction, risks and solutions. Reston, Va: American Society of Civil Engineers.
National Geographic. Sea Level Rise (2017). Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/sea-level-rise/National Ocean Service. Is Sea Level Rising? (2017) Retrieved from https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sealevel.html
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