Students Essay Examples

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Essay on Fires in University Residential Housing

Historically, the administrators of the universities have been facing a challenge to provide a secure and safe environment to all the students, and majorly to give protec...
4 Pages 
(912 Words)

Raw Data I Obtained After Observing English Learner and Slow Learner

It was essential to observe the two types of learners to assess their needs at an individual level. The two learners in the case study include an English learner and a le...
6 Pages 
(1541 Words)

Essay Sample on Post-Secondary Students and Stress

All students take tests, whether a lower grade or post-secondary and many of them have test anxiety. Test anxiety is described as a physiological condition that leads to...
4 Pages 
(997 Words)

Admission to St. Thomas University Masters of Education Program - Paper Example

I deserve to get into St. Thomas University Masters of Education program even if my GPA is less than 3.0. My mission is to better student lives. If given the opportunity...
3 Pages 
(553 Words)

Dogmatic Thinking Among Gifted Students in High School - Literature Review

Dogmatism is generally a set of beliefs acceptable to a certain group of people without being questioned. Gifted high school students usually have a tendency towards dogm...
7 Pages 
(1743 Words)

Essay on College Students Views on Autism Spectrum Disorder

In the 21st century, cases of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have increased in most of the academic institutions. The increase of students with ASD has tri...
6 Pages 
(1515 Words)

Students' Perception of Learning English Using Problem Solving in the Topic of Teenage Cyber Bullying

Perception of learners regarding different areas of academic endeavors has been subjected to scholarly analysis to determine the extent to which the reality reflects the existing postulates. The process of lea...
6 Pages 
(1587 Words)

The Impact of High School Dropout Rate Among Black and Hispanic - Research Paper Example

Dropping out of high school is a serious issue faced by many teenagers today in the United States of America. The rates of high school completion vary along ethnic and ra...
3 Pages 
(595 Words)

Essay on Academic Success Plan

Academic success involves more than just attending class sessions, taking notes, reading or going through text books, and making sure to study right before exams or tests...
3 Pages 
(561 Words)

The Economic Implication of Student Debt

A college education is a huge investment. Like all typical investments, college education creates costs presently but delivers benefits in the future (Dynarski 3). From a...
3 Pages 
(611 Words)