Philosophy Essay Examples

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Love, Law, and Civil Disobedience vs. Uprooted - Critical Comparison of Articles

There are quite some similarities between the two articles. Both articles entail political activism to champion for a particular cause. The article Love, Law and Civil d...
2 Pages 
(506 Words)

Essay Sample on Constructionist Theory

Constructionist refers to the process through which knowledge are able to be stored in some memory and later on be retrieved when there is need for modification. Constru...
3 Pages 
(669 Words)

A Marxist Review of Edna's Life as Portrayed in The Awakening

The Awakening, is Kate Chopins book published in 1899. The central theme of the book revolves around women issues that made it a milestone work on feminism. The book r...
5 Pages 
(1122 Words)

Essay on Morality: Arguments by Aristotle

Arguments by Aristotle depict morality as an inexact science. Morality is viewed as an uncertain controlled behavior whose ways of reasoning do not comply with the set st...
3 Pages 
(594 Words)

Paper Example on Mind and Body Problem

Great philosophers from Descartes to Kripke have demonstrated impeccable efforts in offering the world with the understanding of the modern and contemporary philosophy, w...
4 Pages 
(916 Words)

The Biography of Socrates and his Contributions to Western Civilization

Socrates was one of the renowned ancient philosophers. Although he was the pivotal figure to the birth of modern day philosophy, he had no writings of his own. Details ab...
6 Pages 
(1444 Words)

Essay on Plato, Descartes and the Matrix

The Matrix, the reading from Platos work The Republic and Descartes work the Mediations on First Philosophy have both similarities and differences.The similarity of thes...
3 Pages 
(784 Words)

Paper Example on Fallacies

The word fallacy is used by many rhetoricians as well as philosophers just for particular sorts of errors in logical and inductive contentions; however, others explore th...
2 Pages 
(468 Words)

Infallibility of Knowledge in Plato's Republic

The question of how peoples beliefs are either justified or known can be understood and answered by first looking at the question from a different approach to determin...
7 Pages 
(1841 Words)

The Psychology of Personal Construct

George A Kelly, a renowned American psychologist, was born in Kansas to poor but hardworking Midwestern farmers. Throughout his early life, Kelly did not receive much of...
3 Pages 
(636 Words)