Many people agree that legalizing marijuana would have many benefits. Medical marijuana can be used for medical purposes, and it generates tax revenue. Medical marijuana is lawful at the state level, but at the Federal level, it is illegal. In the United States, 28 out of the 50 states have legalized marijuana for medical use. One of the states that has legalized marijuana is Colorado. Colorado has generated more tax money for its state by legalizing medical marijuana. In the recent times, marijuana has been used for several medical purposes all over the world. Doctors are prescribing medical marijuana for medical reasons such as glaucoma and cancer. On the other hand, legalization of medical marijuana would result in negative consequences which the doctors would be averted, and thats the reason for the heated debate. Medical marijuana has been associated with increased harmful levels among users, long term memory loss and reduced mental acuity and intelligence. Additionally, there is a high possibility of the abuse of the drug especially from adolescents and teenagers something that would adversely affect their careers and education. In essence, legalization of marijuana would have both positive and negative impacts on the health of a person, economic status of the US and the interpersonal relationships.
Medical marijuana is a major component in the treatment of cancer. During chemotherapy, the use of marijuana helps to reduce vomiting and nausea as highlighted by Caulkins, (2012). It also improves the appetite among cancer and HIV/AIDS patients. Increased appetite boosts the immune system of the patients allowing them to increase their lifespan and reduce dependency levels among the patients. Notably, medical marijuana reduces the intense pains associated with some cancers and have fewer side effects than drugs used to reduce pain in similar illnesses (Maclean's, 2016). It is noteworthy that the use of marijuana without the consistent smoking does not increase the risk of lung cancer (Caulkins, 2012). Additionally, to reduce the spasticity of muscles associated with paralysis and multiple sclerosis can be relieved by the use of medical marijuana. Thus because marijuana can be used in the treatment of Alzheimers disease, certain cancers, and epilepsy among children and adults, thus it should be endorsed and treated like any other medicine in the industry.
On the other hand, taking medical marijuana can be a health hazard, and while legalized it would be difficult to regulate the intake among users. As such, abuse would be inevitable because some users would not take into consideration the health hazards arguing that as long as the government has allowed it, it is appropriate to use. However, like tobacco smoke which can lead to lung cancer, consistent smoking of marijuana would risk the respiratory system infections like bronchitis as highlighted by Gold, Herkov, and Nias, (2014). Moreover, abuse of the marijuana would lead to unrealistic and poor judgments. For instance, while one is driving causing their own accidents and that of other road users. It also impairs ones ability to make a sober judgment and think logically. As such, the long-term memory is adversely affected causing unproductivity in workplaces. If the memory is not functioning as it should, then students will perform poorly and may not bring the value in the country they should when they exploit their full potential. Students with a high level of IQ have been noted to reduce their level of intelligence because of use of medical marijuana Gold, Herkov, and Nias, (2014). There are no federal laws that examine how marijuana is taken and within what limits and when the abusers are arrested most times the damage is already done.
Legalized marijuana will increase the revenue if the US significantly and the federal government can use the money generated to improve the quality of life of the citizens. In fact, it is estimated that with the legalization the revenue can soar high by $13.7 billion annually as highlighted by Terrell, (2017). Such level of income would take care of public schools and even provision of medical aid. Moreover, legislation that would make marijuana legal would reduce the number of arrests associated with marijuana use. The time and resources used by the government in the arrest and prosecution of illegal marijuana users would be used for the economic wellbeing of the nation. Further, the officers could be deployed to other departments like the national security. Moreover, the income generated can be used to conduct more research in the marijuana uses and processes that can reduce the possible side effects. Such things would also create employment opportunities for the youth as well. Legalization would also come with regulations and laws that ensure marijuana is used within its required limits.
Use of marijuana also is cited to improve moods among users and sleep enhancers among individuals with insomnia. It helps the mind to relax after engaging activities in the course of the day allows one to rest and be able to work the next day productively. Furthermore, it has the ability to help an individual deal with stressful situations like post-traumatic depression. Marijuana cools the nerve and allows the mind to absorb the difficult situation and eventually be able to bounce back to a typical life. Nonetheless, because marijuana is a stimulant, it can be addictive. In fact, about 9% of long-term users may end up addicted and have to rely on the drug for normal functionality. While it is not impossible to stop marijuana use at any point in ones life, the withdrawal symptoms can be so dire that a person prefers taking marijuana. Some of these symptoms include anxiety, sleeping difficulties, irritability and strange craving (Davidson, Hanrahan, and Olde, 2014). Averting the negative consequences of abused marijuana can be an expensive venture especially for the immediate family. Moreover, those who use marijuana tend to use other drugs like alcohol especially those who begin as teenagers. These adolescents are not in a position to take marijuana in a controlled way to ensure it does not cause undue harm. However, those who start as adults are able to regulate the quantities and not use it together with other illicit drugs.
In conclusion, use of marijuana is a good suggestion as it will increase the tax revenue through the sales and also create employment opportunities. Further, when legalized, more people will be able to reap the benefits associated with reduced pain in the muscles and the curing process of diseases like cancer. The use of marijuana in moderation has the impact of boosting a persons sleep and moods and help one recover from post-traumatic depression. On the other hand, use of marijuana can be addictive and affect the teenagers adversely. It can increase the dependency of such adolescents and increase the probability that they will use illegal drugs which is detrimental to their health. Use of marijuana is also associated with reduced intelligence
Caulkins, J.P. (2012). Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know?. New York: Oxford University Press, Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.delta.edu:2048/ehost/detail
Davidson, T., Hanrahan, C., & Olde, T.G. (2014). Marijuana. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, 3 (4), 1535-1539, Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com.ezproxy.delta.edu:2048/
Gold, M.S., Herkov, M.J., & Nias, M. (2014). Addiction and Dependence. Bioethics, 1 (4), 81-90. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com.ezproxy.delta.edu:2048/ps/retrieve.do?
Scientific research shows the effectiveness of medical cannabis on pain. (2016, April 11). Maclean's, 129(14), 34. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com/
Terrell, S. (2017, January 26). Lawmakers say legal pot could help boost state revenues. Santa Fe New Mexican [Santa Fe, NM], p. A-1. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com/
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