Medicine and Healthcare Essay Examples

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Establishing an Unknown Species of Malaria

This practical activity was carried out to establish an unknown species of malaria using the molecular method and clinical specimens. The choice for the molecular method...
5 Pages 
(1289 Words)

Research Paper Example on Psychiatric Diagnoses

There has been a serious challenge posed by the reliability of diagnoses in psychiatrics to mental health professionals, psychologists and psychiatrists for many decades (Whitfield, 1993). In the first half of the 20th ce...
7 Pages 
(1767 Words)

Essay Example on Relationship, Sex and Pregnancy

I asked 20 respondents at random whether an abortion can make it more difficult for a woman to get pregnant in future. Out of these respondents, 55%, 30%, and 15% reporte...
4 Pages 
(1041 Words)

Paper Example on Drug Trafficking in the United States

Illicit trade in narcotics in the United States is a multi-billion dollar business. Each year, tons of illegal drugs such as methamphetamine, cocaine, cannabis and heroin...
5 Pages 
(1307 Words)

Professional Standards in Speciality Areas of Interest - Family Practice

Based on the advanced technology in the healthcare sector, nursing information is imperative as it helps them during their activities in designing, purchasing and impleme...
5 Pages 
(1204 Words)

Work as a Psychotherapist - Narrative Essay

There are several theories that look effective when used but I find psychotherapy approach more appealing to me. As a way of definition, psychotherapy can be defined as t...
7 Pages 
(1896 Words)

Paper Example on Tobacco Use

Any frequent use of the tobacco plant, its products and Leafs are termed as the tobacco use. Tobacco can be used in different ways; they can either be smoked or smokeless...
7 Pages 
(1824 Words)

Comparing Nepal, Egypt and Honduras ORT Campaigns

Diarrhoea has been a major problem in many countries across the world. This is particularly the case in most developing countries, which register a high number of cases a...
4 Pages 
(849 Words)

Microbiology - Medical Case Study

Harvey White (HW) is a 55 year old male patient with a 10 year history of poorly controlled diabetes. He currently manages his diabetes with insulin therapy. His dietary...
5 Pages 
(1221 Words)

Confronting the Facts With Crohns Disease

Crohns disease is a potentially life-threatening type of infection that causes swelling in the walls of the digestive system. Due to limited knowledge on the disease, it...
4 Pages 
(1043 Words)