History Essay Examples

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History Essay - March on Washington Movement 1941-1946

The march on Washington movement had been organized by activists Bayard Rustin and A. Philip Randolph. The campaign was used as a tool to produce a mass march on Washingt...
4 Pages 
(861 Words)

Essay on the Origins of the Cold War

Both the United States and Russia viewed popular culture as a means to win the European influence during the Cold War. As a consequence, the culture was considered as a f...
4 Pages 
(1079 Words)

Essay on World War I: Nationalism, Imperialism and Militarism

World War I began in 1914 and ended in 1918. Its occurrence was triggered and influenced by three factors, namely nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. This was due t...
7 Pages 
(1776 Words)

Essay on How Nationalism, Imperialism and Militarism Caused World War 1

World War 1 was an international conflict that embroiled most European nations, Russia, the Middle East, the United States, and other regions. Lasting between 1914 and 19...
6 Pages 
(1430 Words)

The Cold War - Essay Example

The Cold War escalated in 1952 after the U.S. developed the first hydrogen bomb the Russians accomplished the nuclear competition nine months later when they exploded the...
4 Pages 
(1015 Words)

The History of the Plague - Essay Sample

The modern advances in genetic engineering have made it possible for entomologists to design insects that can cause great damage to crops and livestock. For example, CRIS...
4 Pages 
(856 Words)

How Arthropods Can Be Used as Biological Weapons - Essay Example

There are historical instances where entomological warfare was suspected in various incidences. The 14th century epidemic in Asia commonly known as the Black Death is sus...
4 Pages 
(1024 Words)

Essay on The Interesting Narrative of the Life Of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African

Olaudah Equiano was born in 1745 in the land of Eboe the black people which is now known as Nigeria. The Interesting Narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano written by h...
5 Pages 
(1261 Words)

History Essay on United States in World War I

World war one also known as First world war started in the year 1914 in July and ended in the year 1918 month of November. It is said to be the greatest war that would en...
3 Pages 
(551 Words)

The Great War and Jewish Memory - Essay Example

The British worked diligently for founding an independent state that Jews could inhibit in Palestine. Since Balfour was a Zionist, he came up with an argument saying Jews...
2 Pages 
(431 Words)