Substance Abuse Essay Examples

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Evaluating Plan Introduction and Alignment on Reducing a Drug Addiction - Paper Example

The recreational plan has greatly reduced drug addiction in the community residents. However, as much as the community is struggling to minimize rates of drug abuse, much...
3 Pages 
(657 Words)

The Effects of Drugs - Paper Example

Drugs are chemical substances which cause harm to the body. Their use affects the body, mind, and people around you especially the kids, families, workmates, and babies w...
3 Pages 
(674 Words)

Drug and Substance Abuse as a Major Public Health Concern - Essay Sample

Substance abuse and addiction among the youth and the older generation is a very devastating phenomenon not only to an individual but the family and the community as a wh...
5 Pages 
(1268 Words)

Essay on Media Portrayal of Drugs

The media has portrayed drug use and its sale differently, and they are all based on the type of culture that is being promoted. For instance, when we look at the America...
4 Pages 
(1025 Words)

Essay on Benefits of Drug-Testing Recipients of Welfare Aid

One of the main advantages of conducting drug tests on welfare recipients from an economic point of view include potential savings for taxpayers and decreased strain on s...
2 Pages 
(455 Words)

Essay on Youth Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Interventions

Various youth alcohol and substance abuse treatment interventions have failed to include the essential and effective tools to help the youth change the overcoming alcohol...
6 Pages 
(1473 Words)

Essay on Getting A Grip: From Prohibition to Harm Reduction

Legally, there exist two essential policies fundamental for mitigating alcohol issues which include harm reduction and prohibition. Harm reduction is perceived from a pub...
5 Pages 
(1320 Words)

Essay on Benefits of SBIRT and Motivational Interviewing

Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) is an integrated public approach that provides screening, secondary prevention of substance abuse, and ea...
3 Pages 
(652 Words)

Essay on Mutual Support Group for Alcohol and Substance

Mutual support groups, or the so-called self-help groups, are an important part of recovery program from substance use disorders (SUDs). SUDs are nowadays common in our s...
5 Pages 
(1182 Words)