The recreational plan has greatly reduced drug addiction in the community residents. However, as much as the community is struggling to minimize rates of drug abuse, much the resources to be used tend to diminish thus calling for a better approach. Since communities are faced with challenges of meeting the required facilities for offering recreation for the drug addicts, ways of reducing drug addiction need to be devised. This essay analyzes the importance of outcome evaluation, the best ways to apply macro social approaches and the specific strategies in the form of short, medium and long-term goals that can be used to manage drug abuse in the community.
The best way to reduce drug addicts in the community is by finding role modes which can communicate with the people under rehabilitation and enlighten them to seek for good in their lives rather than indulging in intoxication. According to the knowledge of social work, the best way to minimize drug abuse indulgence is by grooming the society with good role models to prevent people from engaging in uncouth acts (Arthur & Blitz, 2000). Also, getting ideas about the source of the problem is also another way of finding permanent solutions to the communities problem.
Moreover, there are several aspects of social work that focus on micro and macro categories. The categories of social work that can help in pinning down the problem of drugs addiction in the society include macro social work, micro social work and mezzo social. The scope and practice of a social worker are determined by the above micro, macro, and mezzo social work practice. The micro-social work practices typically focus on working with the individual clients but not directly working with the individuals. On the other hand, in macro social work perspective, social workers plan to work with the individual community members as a way of dealing with large-scale problems in the community. Micro-social work also involves making plans for community efforts, planning interventions that aim at reducing poverty and making community development initiatives. According to Arthur and Blitz (2000), advocacy and policy work may also be part of the aspects under macro-level social work approaches which might influence large-scale political lobbying for reducing drug addiction and drug use in the society. Through macro social work, extensive research can be done to determine the best ways of limiting problems like drugs and substance abuse in the community. Macro social work is the one responsible for researching the aspects that are difficult to counterattack thus through the elements of macro social work, and vital information can be gathered about a given problem in the society.
Outcome evaluation enhances assessment of the impacts of a program, speculates into the data of a population group, aims at choosing the evaluation designs, and lastly, it selects on the comparison groups. The short-term, middle-term and long-term goals that I have for my intervention are in the form of changing the community to conform to the expected requirements of my proposal. One of the short-term goals is communicating with the community about the effects of drug abuse (Arthur & Blitz, 2000). The middle term goals are starting up mentorship programs that can occasionally be done in hot spot areas, and the long-term goals are starting and equipping rehabilitation centers with the required facilities that can serve a large population for the time that the victims change and become responsible members of the society.
In evaluating success, I will ensure that stakeholders understand all the current situations and problems in the community. This will be made possible by assessing the nature of the problem that the community is facing. Through the stakeholders, a complete picture of what is needed to be done will be outlined through structured meetings that discloses the challenges affecting people.
Arthur, M. W., & Blitz, C. (2000). Bridging the gap between science and practice in drug abuse prevention through needs assessment and strategic community planning. Journal of Community Psychology, 28(3), 241-255.
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