Pedagogy Essay Examples

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Paper Example on Teaching Learning Environment

The traditional teaching tools have proven to be challenging especially when students are being equipped with the required knowledge and skill in their specialized area o...
6 Pages 
(1432 Words)

Raw Data I Obtained After Observing English Learner and Slow Learner

It was essential to observe the two types of learners to assess their needs at an individual level. The two learners in the case study include an English learner and a le...
6 Pages 
(1541 Words)

Lecturer Position at ABC University - Application Essay

I am looking for an opportunity to employ my advanced skills and expertise as a university-level educational praxis. I am extremely interested in the lecturer position at ABC University as my academic backgrou...
4 Pages 
(962 Words)

Paper Example on Teacher's Beliefs and Teaching Mathematics with Manipulatives

This journal explores the execution of manipulatives to mathematics as an instructional subject which was carried out among grade 9 students. Teachers wanted to find out the impact of using manipulatives as a strate...
3 Pages 
(683 Words)

Teacher Interview - Paper Example

This is an interview conducted in August 2017 with a senior level teacher at a Community School in Illinois in the United States of America. Through this interview, I dis...
3 Pages 
(594 Words)

Essay on Reading Like a Member of a Content Area Discourse Community

After reading the text titled Reading like a Historian: A Document-Based History Curriculum Intervention in Urban High Schools I established the knowledge that historia...
6 Pages 
(1474 Words)

Paper Example on Problem Based Learning

One of the best techniques of teaching students is posing a solvable challenge to learners and encouraging them to find solutions for the problems (Savery, 2015). This he...
3 Pages 
(609 Words)

Ups and Downs of the Workings in Teaching of Special Kids Students in Schools - Paper Example

Through the optimal research and overall experience of the journey through the named education program, this study describes the ups and downs of the workings in teaching...
4 Pages 
(1004 Words)

Paper Example on Language Teaching

English is currently used to communicate globally. Therefore, the work of English teachers as second foreign language tutors has gained prominence. However, there are man...
6 Pages 
(1542 Words)

Essay on Effects of NCLB and ESSA

Through No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), its true that educators have become more efficient in their methods towards educating learners...
5 Pages 
(1355 Words)