Mental Health Essay Examples

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Essay on Pathopharmacological Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice

In todays environment, there are many diseases one should be concerned with in the world. However, depression is the number one mental illness affecting the American so...
7 Pages 
(1766 Words)

Bereavement Disorder, Eating Disorder and Suicide - Case Study

The case is Cathy's, and she is 28 years old. She walks into the office, wearing a long, elaborate skirt, a big floppy hat with flowers, and a corset top. Though composed...
4 Pages 
(862 Words)

Article Review: Effects of Family Bereavement on Adolescents

Stikkelbroek, Yvonne et al. in their article published in March 2015, about the mental health of adolescents attempt to find out the effects of the death of sibling and p...
4 Pages 
(918 Words)

Research Paper Example on Psychiatric Diagnoses

There has been a serious challenge posed by the reliability of diagnoses in psychiatrics to mental health professionals, psychologists and psychiatrists for many decades (Whitfield, 1993). In the first half of the 20th ce...
7 Pages 
(1767 Words)

Work as a Psychotherapist - Narrative Essay

There are several theories that look effective when used but I find psychotherapy approach more appealing to me. As a way of definition, psychotherapy can be defined as t...
7 Pages 
(1896 Words)

Essay on Forensic Psychology and Ethical Implications

Forensic psychology is arguably one of the most interesting sub-disciplines in the field of psychology. It entails the application of scientific and clinical specialties...
5 Pages 
(1177 Words)

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is one of the known brain disorders that cause mood shifts, energy increment, and rise in the level of activities performed. The brain condition is also...
7 Pages 
(1683 Words)

Essay on Improving the Welfare of Both the Autistic Children and Their Family Members

Autism has become one of the major causes of depression in many families of the 21st Century. To start with, autism is a disorder in which kids show impaired or regressive social interactions, verbal or non-verbal com...
7 Pages 
(1892 Words)

Essay on Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) characterized as varying degrees of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention leading to disruption of academic, social an...
4 Pages 
(876 Words)