Medicine Essay Examples

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Paper Example on Ethical Breaches

Health practitioners should exhibit high level of professionalism when handling patient data and records. Currently, practitioners emphasize on the importance of playing...
2 Pages 
(496 Words)

Articles Analysis Essay on Practice Programs for Nurses

In the article, Creating Innovative Clinical Nurse Leader Practicum Experiences through Academic and Practice Partnerships the authors main aim was to spell out clearly...
3 Pages 
(694 Words)

Paper Example on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

On August 21, 1996, Congress promulgated the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which was primarily aimed at delivering health care services with efficacy including augmenting the proport...
7 Pages 
(1683 Words)

Personal Experience of Caring for a Dying Patient

My first encounter with a dying patient was during my attachment at the county hospital. My patient was a mother to two boys who had had HIV/AIDS for more than fifteen ye...
3 Pages 
(699 Words)

Developing a Health Education Plan - Paper Example

Five years ago, health centers recorded that there was an increase in the number of individuals being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. As a result, I decided to organize an event...
2 Pages 
(463 Words)

Paper Example on Nursing and Care Concept

Nursing is a wide field. It has several meta-paradigms that make up the nursing concept. These meta-paradigms are the environment, nursing, person, and health. The concep...
5 Pages 
(1233 Words)

Essay on Aggression from a Medical Perspective

World Health Organization defines violence as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group o...
3 Pages 
(814 Words)

Interventions to Reduce Central Venous Catheter-Related Infections

Globalization of healthcare has seen the implementation of new medical technologies and methods like the central venous catheters. While such devices have proved to be su...
4 Pages 
(1092 Words)

Reasons Why Stark Laws Need Updating - Paper Example

The Stark Laws are a set of federal laws in U.S.A which outlaw doctors self-referral, precisely a recommendation by a doctor of a Medicare or Medicaid patient to a unit...
5 Pages 
(1306 Words)

Career Analysis Essay on Medical Administrative Assistant

Medical administrative assistants otherwise known as medical secretaries perform their roles through their vast knowledge of applications, medical terminology and general...
3 Pages 
(560 Words)