World Health Organization defines violence as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation. Colin, a former president of the American Medical Association once said: The United States leads the world-in the rate at which its children die from firearms. He concluded by saying that: Gun violence is a threat to the public health of our country. Violence often has enduring consequences for corporeal and mental health and social functioning and can deliberate social and economic development. Aggression is not a solitary trait, or with no trouble described behavior system, but rather it is a set of behaviors that has a vibrant and complicated variety of expression. Everything involved in the expression of violence is tangled to other structures and its use in behavior is extremely appropriate.
Violence is in many forms avoidable. There is a robust relationship between stages of violence and adaptable factors such as income and gender disparity, the harmful use of alcohol, intense poverty, and the absence of safe, steady, and fostering relationships between children and parents.
Medical professions can make a change in the lives of those who experience abuse. In several cases spousal exploitations are handled exclusively by physicians instead of involving the police. In some instances, cases of domestic violence are taken to emergency room while quite a lot of other cases are handled by a family physician or other principal care providers. Subspecialists are also playing key roles for instance, HIV physicians are preferably suitable to play an important role in managing abuse given the association between abuse and HIV infection as well as their habitually lifelong relationships with parents. Medical professions are in a place to give guidance, and to refer them to suitable services. However, despite these tasks, the health care professional has not always met this role.
In the emergency room, emergency contraceptive medication are presented to women who are raped by men because about 5% of such rapes lead to pregnancies. Preventive medication against sexually transmitted infections are given to dupes of all types of sexual assault and a blood serum is collected to test for STIs such as hepatitis B, syphilis, and HIV. Any survivor with scrapes should be vaccinated for tetanus if 5 years have elapsed since the last vaccination, Short-range treatment with benzodiazepine may help severe nervousness and antidepressants may help for symptoms of panic attacks, depressions and PTSD.
In studies carried out on violence, Abbott and Williamson found that knowledge and understanding of domestic violence was very restricted among health care professionals in Midlands and United Kingdom. On the other hand, Jenny Clifton, John Jacobs, and Jo Tulloch found that teaching for general practitioners in the United States about domestic violence was very inadequate or they had no training. Carole Washaw suggests that some doctors choose not to get peoples private lives.
In a biomedical model of health care, injuries are frequently just treated and identified, without respect for the causes. In addition to this, there is a considerable unwillingness for victims to come forward and propose the issue with their physicians. Health professionals have a moral responsibility to recognize and address introduction to abuse in their patients in the health care situation. For instance, the American Medical Associations code of medical ethics states that Due to the prevalence and medical consequences of family violence, physicians should routinely inquire about physical, sexual and psychological abuse as part of the medical history. Physicians must also consider abuse in the differential diagnosis for a number of medical complaints, particularly when treating women.
Another human violence is human trafficking which is defined as the enrollment, transportation, transfer, concealing or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of dynamism or other forms of coercion, of kidnapping, of deception, of trickery, of the abuse of power or of position of susceptibility or of the giving or getting payments or benefits to realize the consent of a person having control over another person, for the tenacity of exploitation. Poor mental health is a central and tenacious adverse health effect connected with human trafficking mental consequences include; depression, post-traumatic disorder and other anxiety disorders, thoughts of suicide, and somatic conditions including disabling physical pain or dysfunction.
Health care providers and societies involved with trafficked people should rise their capacity to recognize and refer people in trafficking states and provide subtle and safe services to persons post-trafficking.
Abbott, P. (1999). Women Health and Domestic Violence.
Boyle, A. Robinson, S & Atkinson, P. (2004). Domestic Violence in Emergency Medicine Patients.
Sugg, N.K, Inui, T. (1992). Primary Care Physicians Response to Domestic Violence.
Warshaw, C. (1993). Limitations of the Medical Model in the Care of Battered Women.
Zimmerman C et al. (2009). Meeting the Health Needs of Trafficked People.
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