Human Resource Management Essay Examples

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Essay on Morphological Analysis and Related Techniques

Attribute Listing Employees should be involved in planning for the working schedule (Allen 2011). This will enhance work-life balance, thereby reducing stress in employe...
7 Pages 
(1694 Words)

Paper Example on Health and Safety of Workers

To ensure the health and safety of workers at DrugPharma workplace policies and procedures have been put in place; in addition to that, personal protective equipment is c...
5 Pages 
(1165 Words)

Essay on Managing Organizational Stress

Stress is considered to be any scenario that tends to cause psychological or physical demands on an individual which in turn leads to a response that is not ordinary by t...
3 Pages 
(562 Words)

Essay on Human Resource Management Planning and the Success of Acquisition

Acquisitions have increasingly become the dominant mode of growth for corporations seeking to gain a competitive edge over their contemporaries in a dynamic and increasin...
7 Pages 
(1709 Words)

Essay on Overcoming Biases in Interviewing and Assessment

Interviewing is a significant part of the recruitment process in order to get the right candidate to fill a given job post. When carried out properly, it can ensure that...
3 Pages 
(631 Words)

Essay on Selection and Hiring Process

The selection and hiring of employees require the human resource (HR) managers to conduct due diligence to establish the suitability of any prospective employees. The eva...
3 Pages 
(618 Words)

Essay Sample on Safety and a Stress-Free Environment at the Work Place

Employees need to feel that they are safe as they work. Safety affects everybody in the work place due to incidences such as accidents, injuries, violence or harassment, and chemical hazards. Supervision at the jo...
7 Pages 
(1741 Words)

Staffing System and Retention Management in American Law Enforcement Agencies

Recruiting adequate numbers of competent applicants to meet the staffing needs of a law enforcement agency is the most important human resource function in a police depar...
7 Pages 
(1706 Words)

Admission Essay Sample on Human Resource

The relationship between a manager and his workers significantly affects the workers level of performance in a job. Unfitting management practices often deflate the empl...
5 Pages 
(1215 Words)

Essay on Poor Work Relationships at the Place of Work

Poor work relationships at the place of work is a problem that I have noticed in my organization. Poor work relationships at the place of work are very disturbing. I did...
4 Pages 
(840 Words)