Essay on Selection and Hiring Process

Published: 2021-07-08
618 words
3 pages
6 min to read
Harvey Mudd College
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The selection and hiring of employees require the human resource (HR) managers to conduct due diligence to establish the suitability of any prospective employees. The evaluation of those seeking employment can be done by the use of big five dimensions seen to be the key traits which make the personal identities of those people (Cascio and Aguinis, 2011). The five key attributes referred to as OCEAN include openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN and the Big Five (5) Personality Types Test, 2017). Taking personality tests helps individuals have a comprehension of who they are but not their entire/total character.

Thoughts about the Test I Took

The test I took contained 120 statements in the form of a questionnaire. The aim of taking the test was to find out more about who I am as well as my strengths and weaknesses. The personality test measured the big five personality factors including the openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (Risavy and Hausdorf, 2011). At the end of the test, I understood my personality scores and hence provided me with a better understanding of who I am. My scores on the five most critical character traits provided me with insights on how open I am with others as well as other traits that I exhibit. Indeed, the test was instrumental in showing me some of the traits that I was not even aware of their presence.

Whether I Agree With the Results, I Received

I agree with most of my results. The reasons for my agreement is that most of the scores I received on the personality test aligned with my belief on the kind of person I am. Specifically, the results on the first trait of openness showed me that I am very social and open person who can make friends quickly. These results did not come as a surprise to me considering the ease with which I interact with others and make friends. Additionally, I agree with the results on the personality of agreeableness, as I am not only compassionate but also cooperative and friendly. However, I did not agree with results of neuroticism which showed that I am not emotionally stable judging from the high scores which depicted emotional instability as well as negative emotions.

Whether These Tests Provide HR Professionals with Useful Information on Potential Hires

The personality tests are critical in providing human resource professionals with valuable information on the prospective employees. Specifically, according to Risavy and Hausdorf (2011), through the tests, the HR managers can establish the suitability of the employees to work with other in teams and hence contribute to the success of the organization. Additionally, the tests are critical in gauging the emotional stability of the potential employees and hence establish how they will relate to others and their suitability for the job posts applied (Cascio and Aguinis, 2011). Although the personality tests are not conclusive, they significantly show the relevance of the potential hires.

In conclusion, doing personality tests helps people understand their traits though not conclusive on their entire personality. From the personality test I took, I got a better understanding of my emotional stability as well as the level of openness. I agree with most the results of the test as they align with my perceived traits. Such kind of tests is critical to HR professionals as they present the qualities of the potential hires and their suitability for their prospective job positions.


Cascio, W. F., & Aguinis, H. (2011). Applied psychology in human resource management.

OCEAN and the Big Five (5) Personality Types Test. (2017). Vision One. Retrieved 27 June 2017, from, S. D., & Hausdorf, P. A. (2011). Personality testing in personnel selection: Adverse impact and differential hiring rates. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 19(1), 18-30.

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