Gun Control Essay Examples

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Essay on Gun Ownership and Importance of Strict Gun Control

More often, when something terrible happens people in that place or society tend always to find the explanation to precisely what was behind that particular happening, fo...
8 Pages 
(2067 Words)

Essay Sample on Pro-Gun Control

Gun control has sparked heated debates in recent times. The debates question the rights of Americans to own firearms including rifles, shotguns, and handguns. On one hand...
5 Pages 
(1219 Words)

Essay on Gun Control Arguments

United States constitution allows American citizen to possess licensed guns for self-defense (Schuman, 427-438). The right to own a gun is constituted in the second amend...
3 Pages 
(597 Words)

Paper Example on Gun Laws and Mental Health

A Reuters articles in 2016 noted that "Gun violence kills roughly 33,000 people and injures another 81,000 every year in the U.S." (Rapaport). Horrific and recurring issu...
4 Pages 
(916 Words)

Essay on Drugs and Gun Violence in Baltimore

Baltimore is said to be the most lethal city in the US. The numbers of homicides are extremely high compared to the nearby cities. In the year 2015 alone, Baltimore city...
4 Pages 
(997 Words)

The Geography of Gun Control in America

The issue of gun ownership has placed the United States of America in the public domain over the years. The depicted makes its geography to get discussed from various per...
4 Pages 
(911 Words)

The History of the Controversies Surrounding the Brady Act

Following the assignation attempt against President Ronald Reagan in 1981, the Brady Act was fronted to deal with the problem of gun-related violence in the United States...
7 Pages 
(1817 Words)