God Essay Examples

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Essay on Islamic and Biblical Worldviews

Any person has a tendency of believing that his or her worldview is more important than the other and that they are distinctly different. However, this case is not true b...
3 Pages 
(709 Words)

Arguments for and Against Theism - Essay Sample

Many studies have been done trying to prove and disapprove the existence of God. Existence of an all-powerful, omnipresent and omnipotent being has been criticized by man...
8 Pages 
(1935 Words)

Term Paper on God, Marriage, and Family

According to the author of chapter one, western civilization needs to define the ideal meaning of marriage and family terms. He asserts that most people in our contempo...
6 Pages 
(1427 Words)

Essay on God, Me and the State: Who Sets the Standards for What Is Right?

It is undeniable that moral arguments are both critical as well as exciting. They are interesting because coming up with a sound case requires attention to practical thin...
8 Pages 
(1972 Words)

Religion Essay on Communications With People and With God

The powers of a spoken word through faith are the perfect catalyst that makes success imperative, estimable, accessible, attainable, and sustainable. It is also clear how faith has beco...
5 Pages 
(1357 Words)

Understanding the Doctrine of Christ - Religion Essay Sample

The doctrine of Christ means explicitly that all believers everywhere must express their faith in Jesus Christ and follow various happenings and beliefs about Christianit...
7 Pages 
(1716 Words)

Essay on Confessions by Augustine: Book 5

The lecture focuses on book five of Confessions by Augustine while putting into perspective the ideas highlighted in the other books. Augustine is described as a balanced...
3 Pages 
(688 Words)

Who is God? - Religion Essay Sample

According to Psalm 90:2 God had no end nor did He have a beginning. The source of our life is from God, and hence since God gave it to us, we should worship him only and...
7 Pages 
(1763 Words)

The Roles of The Holy Spirit In Our Struggle Over Sin

What the believe in the holy spirit is one of the hallmarks of the Christian faith. A life guided by the holy spirit the ultimate goal of every Christian. Apostle Paul in...
4 Pages 
(900 Words)

Essay on Will Power and Uncertainty of God

Marry Rowlandson in a narrative of the Captivity and the Restoration Mrs. Marry Rowlandson" shows that she passed her difficulty through her fortitude, resilience and by...
5 Pages 
(1196 Words)