Alcoholism Essay Examples

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Essay on Effects of Alcohol Intoxication on Creative Cognition

In the art industry, some artists associate alcohol with creativity. The slogan, write/compose drunk, record sober is popular among artists who argue that their creativ...
3 Pages 
(684 Words)

Essay on Co-Occurring Disorders: Major Depression and Alcoholism

Despite the fact that there exist discrepancies when it comes to the presentation of a DSM-5 diagnosis of co-occurring disorders, the underlying principle in the communic...
7 Pages 
(1764 Words)

Medical Essay on Pharmacologic Treatment of Alcoholism

Denise (not her real name) is a 39-year-old Mexican immigrant in living in the US who was currently laid off from her job because the company she was working for was rest...
8 Pages 
(2021 Words)

Relation Between Alcohol Consumption, Before and During Pregnancy, and the Risk of Preterm Birth

The study was aimed at exploring the relation between alcohol consumption, before and during pregnancy, and the risk of preterm birth. Data on preterm birth; delivery bef...
2 Pages 
(456 Words)

Essay on Benefits of SBIRT and Motivational Interviewing

Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) is an integrated public approach that provides screening, secondary prevention of substance abuse, and ea...
3 Pages 
(652 Words)

The War on Alcohol

The Prohibition Party, as it was called, never turned into a noteworthy discretionary compel. Be that as it may, in 1919, precisely a large portion of a century after the...
6 Pages 
(1524 Words)

Essay on Mutual Support Group for Alcohol and Substance

Mutual support groups, or the so-called self-help groups, are an important part of recovery program from substance use disorders (SUDs). SUDs are nowadays common in our s...
5 Pages 
(1182 Words)