The Qatar National Vision 2030 (abbreviated QNV), published 2008 by the Qatar General Secretariat for Development Planning is a 39-page visionary manifesto outlining the steps, plans, and goals for the countrys sustainable development by the year 2030. As mentioned in the Foreword the primary intention of the document is to chart economic and social progress by making it a base foundation for setting out national goals for the future. While future goals remain the key highlight in the QNV equal importance is given on upholding societal norms with plans on how to ground fundamental Islamic and family-oriented principles.
There are seven chapters, and each one of them tackles a crucial element necessary for the development of the Qatari people. The first chapter is titled Defining Characteristics of Qatars Future- Opportunities and Challenges." The second chapter is called Guiding Principles of Qatars National Vision which entails the four pillars which all have a full chapter dedicated to expounding on them. The third chapter contains The First Pillar-Human Development." The fourth chapter entails The Second Pillar-Social Development." The fifth chapter is "The Third Pillar- Economic Development." The sixth chapter is all about "The Fourth Pillar- Environmental Development." And last but not least, acting as a summary is the seventh chapter "Achieving the Vision."
The world created in the QNVs chapter 2, Guiding Principles of Qatar's National Vision," is a people-oriented world where all the focus is put on harmony and co-existence- almost utopian in a way. The chapter starts with mentioning that the principles used in the GNV were by the Qatari Permanent Constitution and so is fair to the people. Additionally, the international community was involved in the charting of the vision, and so in as much as there is focus on keeping traditions, there is also an accommodating feature to cater mostly for the changing tenets and requirements of the rapidly modernizing world. Regarding harmony and co-existence, uplifting the standards of the people of utmost importance. The four pillars are mentioned and explained that is human, economic, social and environmental development. Hence, in this world co-existence is the key word.
Upon careful analysis of chapter 3, "The First Pillar-Human Development," the language structures are carefully structured, free-flowing and brief and to the point. In this chapter, the QNV addresses how in the past Qatar has depended on oil for most of its economy but with reserves projected to be exhausted in the not-so-distant future emphasis is put on the need for the Qatari people to be flexible in adapting to a competitive and knowledge-based environment. Skills and professionalism will be instrumental for their success and living standards. There are snippets of the Permanent Constitution all through with quoted texts on education, public health, employer-employee relationship. On top of that, there are subchapters, crucial points bulleted on the importance of education, health both physical and mental and the creation of a capable and motivated workforce. All in all the language structures make it possible for anyone to pick up the QNV, read through and understand without asking anyone to explain.
The participants, roles, and relationships in chapter 4 The Second Pillar-Social Development is involving both domestically and on the international scene. The Qatari citizens being the subjects of the QNV are the major beneficiaries of the Social Development Plan. Women, in particular, have special mention perhaps because before they have been given only traditional roles in society. New roles for them are not detailed though it is worth mentioning that they will be involved in making political and economic decision making. The Qatari government's involvement in the social development of its people is not understated- the government led by the able Sheikh will support its citizens achieve social goals. The QNV recognizes the greater international Arab community which it is part of as a major stakeholder. The Arab League, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Organization of Islamic Conference and are some of the major international blocs mentioned. In summary, the fourth chapter reiterates the importance of keeping social ties both traditional and progressive via interaction with international communities in the promotion and fostering of the Qatari culture.
The co-relationships with other text in chapter 5 The Third Pillar- Economic Development is far from being similar. Although, the QNV was designed after the so-called "Arab Spring" success stories of countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya the text in the document is rather revolutionary. The issues covered in the chapter include optimal use of the oil and hydrocarbon reserves in the country through continued involvement with other Arab-producing countries, economic management, and economic diversification. Economically speaking, if the plans entailed in this chapter can be put into practice, then Qatar is on its way to achieving financial independence and diversity. However, one cannot help but feel skeptical that perhaps it is too impractical but time will be the one to tell.
The medium of the text as observed in Chapter 6, The Fourth Pillar- Environmental Development," is spiritual, focusing on personal responsibility for everyone to take care of the natural environment and nurture it. There is a quote by Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al-Misnid attached,"We need to care for our natural environment for it was entrusted to us by God to use with responsibility and respect for the benefit of humankind. If we nurture our environment, it will nurture us." Apart from keeping to the tenets of the Muslim religion, there is also the developmental factor gained in living in a pollution free and conducive environment. The medium will appeal to the Qatari public who are predominantly Muslim.
The intention and interpretation of the QNV, keeping a close look on chapter seven "Achieving the Vision, is that it is supposed to be a stepping stone, the first big step in many to be taken towards achieving national development. The Qatar National Vision has goals and targets set to be achieved by the year 2030, and this is important for the National Strategy which picks up from where the QNV left off and set time-constraints to goals to make them practical and beneficial to the Qatari people.
In conclusion, the Qatari National Vision is a very ambitious project aimed at improving the well-being of the Qatari people. It was pitched and published in 2008 some nine years ago. The year at present is 2017, and there is only 13 years between now and a hundred percent achievement of the goals set out in the QNV. Critics have been quick to point out that it is nothing more than a document full of good intentions and no way to achieve the goals written down. The four pillars mentioned: human, social, economic and environmental development is not all-encompassing. Women empowerment, for example, has not improved much in the nine years since the QNV was published. There is nothing on the political development of the Qatari people. Questions hang over this one omission. Why does the Qatari government think its citizens do not need to be politically empowered? The answer to the question remains a mystery. Qatar is the host country for the FIFA World Cup in 2022. Perhaps this choice will precipitate the accomplishment of the goals set out in the QNV.
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