Diabetes can broadly be described as a lifelong condition that results in a person's levels of blood sugar to become higher than the standards. In other words, diabetes is a condition in which the body improperly processes the food taken in for use as an energy source. An individual diagnosed with diabetes either does not process sufficient insulin or cannot utilize the already processed insulin as it should be done. In most cases, diabetes result to adverse health effects including blindness, cardiovascular diseases, kidney problems, slowed wound healing, and even lower and upper limbs amputations. Diabetes is characterized by symptoms such as frequent urination, dehydrated skin, slowly-healing injuries, increased infections, extreme hunger, and increased weight loss. People who fear to have diabetes are advised to pay a visit a physician or doctor for a diagnosis. Individuals diagnosed with diabetes are therefore encouraged to practice good eating habits, as well as participating in regular physical activities. Consequently, they are advised to take regular blood tests to make sure that their blood glucose levels remain balanced. There are two types of diabetes as described by medical care providers and nurses. These are type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 type of diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes and accounts for 7% of all cases diagnosed with diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is also known as adult-onset diabetes. This kind of diabetes is the most common accounting for more than 90% of all cases diagnosed with diabetes. In this essay, emphasis will be put on type 2 diabetes as it is a case study on the same. The latter is linked to risk factors such as old age, the genetic history of diabetes, physical inactivity, and race or ethnicity.
According to WHO, Type 2 diabetes can be well managed and prevented. In other words, integrated strategies can be put in place to manage type 2 diabetes to ensure it does not result in too much adverse health outcomes. The most suitable intervention in dealing with Type 2 diabetes is engaging in physical activity. In most cases, type 2 diabetes affects individuals of old age. Interventions should be suitable for this group to ensure efficient reduction and maintenance of this condition. It is apparent that one of the most effective interventions for type 2 diabetes modifications of lifestyle. Also, integrated means such as healthy eating, blood sugar monitoring, insulin therapy, medications, and regular exercise.
For the patient diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, regular physical activity is essential as everyone needs aerobic exercises. The patient should choose the physical activities that they enjoy the most. Such action may include dancing, walking, weightlifting, running, swimming, and other forms of training. Regular physical activity helps in controlling the levels of blood sugar in more efficient ways. Doctors should encourage such patients to continuously monitor the blood sugar levels after every physical activity they undertake. This move will help show the progress and the most suitable activity for a particular patient. According to the World Health Organization, physical activity can be termed as any form of movements that make the body to burn calories. Whenever a patient engages in physical activity, the muscles are activated and thus use glucose as a source of energy. Continuous physical activity, therefore, prevents excessive build-up of glucose in the patient's blood. It is therefore important to note that physical activity can be a useful mode of medication for lowering blood-glucose level with minimal adverse effects.
For patients with Type 2 diabetes, it is important to consult their doctor or medical care giver before starting any physical activity that could be strenuous. Also, they should ensure that they put on attire that is comfortable whenever engaging in any physical activity. For patients with other medications for managing Type 2 diabetes, they should strictly adhere to them to avoid other complications. The patient should also engage in resistance exercises, and this involves short repetitive exercises with weight machines, or one's own weight to build extra muscle strength.
In most cases, diabetes results to adverse health effects including loss of sight, cardiovascular illnesses, kidney problems, slowed wound healing, and even lower and upper limbs amputations. Usually, diabetes is characterized by symptoms such as frequent urination, dehydrated skin, slowly-healing injuries, increased infections, extreme hunger, and increased weight loss. People who fear to have diabetes are advised to pay a visit a general practitioner or doctor for a diagnosis. Individuals diagnosed with diabetes are therefore advised to practice good eating habits, as well as participating in regular physical activities. Consequently, they are counseled to take regular blood tests to make sure that their blood glucose levels remain balanced.
Moreover, community-based strategies can be put in place to improve public awareness concerning diabetes. Patients should be made aware of the vast array of medications present in the market and the vital of strict adherence to the prescriptions. Also, they should be held conscious of the various forms of physical activity that could be incorporated in the management schedule. Regular physical activity helps in controlling the levels of blood sugar in more efficient ways. Medics should encourage such patients to continuously monitor their blood sugar levels after every physical activity they commence. This move will help show the development and the possible activity for a particular patient. According to the World Health Organization, physical activity can be termed as any form of movements that make the body to burn calories. Whenever a patient engages in physical activity, the muscles are activated and thus use glucose as a source of energy.
The patient should start slowly with as minimum as six to ten minutes of activity in a day. As the patient progresses, he will have longer sessions of physical activity, and therefore the diabetic condition will be managed. The modern society, however, discourages physical activities with structures and the environment suited for physical inactivity. This includes walking being replaced by cars, stair cases by elevators, dishwashing machines, real fun by computers and TV, etc. Diabetes can be managed if only the stipulated medications and other interventions are followed to the letter. Type 2 diabetic complications can also be reduced by practicing good dietary habits. People who fear to have diabetes are advised to pay a visit a physician or doctor for the diagnosis. Consistent bodily activity helps in controlling the levels of blood sugar in more efficient ways. Doctors should encourage such patients to continuously monitor their blood sugar levels after every physical activity they take part in. This move will help show the progress and the most suitable activity for a particular patient. I would, therefore, recommend the intervention for increased physical activity to the patient in this cases it would be of great help in managing the case.
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