In the recent years, brand management and branding are strategically establishing their importance in the service industry. This is being driven by increasing competitiveness which is paying greater emphasis on brand image development as the basis for consumer purchasing behavior. According to Wheeler (2013), managers in the service industry have to take a holistic view of the brand. The holistic view surpasses the service and marketing function and establishes itself strategically in the service industry. Advertising is significant in the development of the brand image in the service sector by creating brand awareness through informing the consumer of the functional capabilities of the brand. Moreover, many companies are using advertising to instill the brand with symbolic values and relevant meanings that have an attachment to the consumer.
Advertising refers to a means through which an organization and brands inform the targeted audience through a certain medium such as television ads. Advertising has been identified as means to creating brand awareness, therefore; its implications in the service industry cannot be underestimated (Chitty, 2011). Furthermore, many companies use advertising as a platform to reassure, remind, and influence consumer-purchasing decisions. This is because advertising is used as a medium to educate, enlighten, and persuade consumers on the advantages and their acceptability of a brand. In the service industry, for instance, brands are used as a representative of the whole industry. For example, the food industry is a representative of the service sector, and different food providers struggle to establish themselves as a brand to appeal to consumers and increase consumer acceptability of their service offerings. Therefore, this paper will explore the impact of brand image and advertisement in the service industry. It will contain a recommendations section on how establishing a brand image, and proper means of advertising can help different brands establish themselves in a competitive industry.
Literature Review
The importance of brand image in marketing cannot be underrated. According to Keller (2013), brand image refers to a set of brand associations reveal association and perceptions that people associate with an image. In other words, brand image is the current view that consumers hold on a brand. The main elements of a brand could range from unique logo which is a reflection of organizations image to a slogan, or a brand identifier which supports the key values of the brand. The perceptions and beliefs play a significant role in buyers decision making process because consumers evaluate alternative brands before making a purchase. According to Keller, these set of associations could be informed by consumer experience, marketing communications, or even word of mouth passed from one customer to another. Brand image management is significant in establishing a brand image in the service industry because they help many companies to gain a better advantage over their competitors. Moreover, brand image in the service industry is significant when evaluating service because when consumers are forming their feelings about service quality, their perceptions are informed by the brand. According to (Aaker & Biel, 2013) brand image drives customer loyalty because it is the overall impression formed in the consumer's mind about a brand. Keller (2013) argues that the main concept behind the brand image is that the consumer is not only purchasing a service but also, the image associated with this service. Therefore, a brand image should be unique and positive because it develops a service in a unique manner from other competitors. The service industry should strain to create and build a brand image because it engages the hearts and mind of their customers. This is because in the service industry when consumers use services, they view the firm by how best the service providers served them. Therefore, providing high-quality service builds the image of a particular brand. Other than service, advertising can be used strengthen the brand image.
Advertising takes several forms and refers to various ways in which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers about their different brands. It is a representative voice of the company and the brands, and it can build a relationship with and among the consumers (Ataman, Harald & Mela, 2010). Advertising can either be personal or mass media oriented and their functions in the establishment of a brand vary. They can show the rate of product consumption and consumers can learn about the company offering the products or services hence improving their judgment before making purchases. Many companies in the service industry are integrating different types of advertising to inform their target audience about different brands. For instance, social networking sites are being used by different business in the service industry to reach their audiences. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram are considered as an authentic way of informing consumers on a brand and increasing a companys competitive advantage. Social media platforms draw a lot of attention to both the companys brand and individuals who are interacting with the landscape (Awad Alhaddad, 2015). Therefore, they create a perfect platform for both the consumers to discuss a brand, give feedbacks, and referrals which are beneficial to the company. Moreover, a company can benefit by reviewing consumers feedback and taking into consideration issues they raise on the platforms and providing solutions to address them. Therefore, companies should master the art of good communication of the social media networks to build a positive brand image.
Advertising in media print such as magazines, newspaper, billboards, flyers or broadcast media such as television and radio also inform consumers on brand and allow them to give their feedback on a product or service. Broadcast advertising consists of audio or video narratives that can be as long as 60 minutes. They serve the same purpose to inform consumers on a brand. Advertising offers brand awareness which in turn determines consumers purchasing behavior (Chitty, 2011). They inform the consumer on the benefits of a brand, which influences their consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is influenced by various factors such as customer needs and attitudes, personal motivation, personality characteristics, age, sex, professional status, social and economic background, and cultural background. How a company presents itself may influence consumer behavior because they make decisions based on whether a product meets their needs or not. Moreover, research on the target audience purchasing habits is insightful because it helps in making strategic advertising decisions specifically on target markets and creating messages that are appealing to consumers. Consumer brand preferences could be an indication of different facts such as awareness, brand acceptance, brand preference, or brand loyalty (Wheeler, 2013). Advertising plays a critical role in building these facts in the service industry.
A Conceptual Model of Brand Image
Bases on the literature review the conceptual model that explains the outcomes of brand image on service quality in the food industry has been proposed. The model is founded on brand familiarity, brand trust, customer satisfaction of the brand, attitudinal loyalty of the brand, and service quality.
Brand Image
Service quality
Brand Trust
Latif: 2014
Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is an important concept of the marketing process. It is based on an emotional and cognitive response that is informed by the consumer experience with a brand. According to Hoyer, MacInnis & Pieters, (2013) customer satisfaction is a cognitive or emotional response after the purchase of a product, comparison of pre-purchase expectations, and actual brand performance after the consumption of the service. Therefore, customer satisfaction comprises the overall satisfaction on a brand based on the experiences of the customer.
Brand Trust
Brand trust refers to a bond that the consumers establish a brand based on factors such as prior services or image portrayed to them by the company (Latif, 2014). In the food industry, it is an important variable because it helps in maintaining a healthy relationship with consumers that is founded on cooperation and commitment. Factors such as credibility, care, and congruency play a significant role in brand trust.
Attitudinal Loyalty
Under this dimension, a customer can portray loyalty towards a brand by making conscious evaluations, displaying a positive attitude, indulging in favorable actions, or sticking to particular service (Han Ji-Soo, 2017). Attitudinal loyalty is very crucial in the food industry because it ensures return clients who are critical in establishing a brand.
Brand Familiarity
Brand familiarity within the food industry is set up in the experiences the customers have with a brand. Familiarity with a brand creates brand significance because it is founded in customers degree of knowledge on a brand (Latif, 2014). The knowledge is based on a customers direct or indirect experiences with the brand or service.
Service Quality
Brand image informs the quality of service in the food industry. Quality service helps in building the brand image to the consumers which is essential in gaining a competitive advantage (Lee, 2014). Moreover, the quality of service that is offered in the food industry establishes a brand in the market because consumers refer their friends or relatives to try the brand.
This model suggests the possible outcomes of brand image in the food industry. Good customer relationship helps in establishing a brand in the industry and distinguishes it from the rest hence offering a competitive advantage. The model analyses different concepts that establish brand image which is difficult in the competitive food industry. Therefore, this model provides an opportunity for marketers in the food industry to establish brand familiarity which leads to brand loyalty. This is because the model builds a strong customer perception develops brand trust and improves service quality which is very critical in the food industry.
Managerial Implications on the Service Industry
Brand image combined with proper advertising has significant impacts on service delivery in the service industry. A brand image helps managers to establish a brand in the market and influence consumer behavior. This way user can prefer the brand when seeking service. Therefore, brand image helps a company to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Advertisement creates awareness of brand image and increases the awareness of the brand among the consumers in the market. Most consumers make purchases based on the amount of information they possess regarding a brand and advertising acts as an avenue to pass this information to consumers. (Hoyer, MacInnis & Pieters,2013). Brand managers can build a brand image in social networking platforms by focusing on the creation of awareness through different content such as videos, audio files, photos, and links. The content in the videos, photos, and audio files should not be underestimated when it comes to building a brand ima...
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