Youths and Communities: Toward Inclusive Strategies for Leixlip Youth and Community Center Development

Published: 2021-06-25
1732 words
7 pages
15 min to read
University of California, Santa Barbara
Type of paper: 
Literature review
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In his work, Fishel, (2008) defines a non-profit organisation as a firm that is not primarily driven by financial bottom-line and which reinvests its financial surpluses to promote economic, social and environmental values in a community. Non-profit organisations are therefore committed to change the lives of individuals in the society positively. Conversely, Youth Community Centres are community-based programs that provide the young people with support, and instructions to help the youngsters lead constructive and respectful lives (Etats-Unis, Eccles, and Gootman, 2003). Such youth community centres may exist as clubs, faith-based youth groups, sports league, academic enrichment programs, community service organisations, and service programs. A youth centre may experience various challenges such as the acquisition of qualified staffs, develop a proper social mobilization plan, deal with youth conflicts and establish collaboration with other youth centres. For a youth centre to be successful, it needs to overcome these challenges by mentoring the young people, promoting collaboration and connectedness with the community as well as encouraging youth ownership.

External Factors Influencing the Development of The Non-Profit Sector

Legal Norms

The favourability of unfavorability of a legal environment can significantly determine whether a non-profit organisation will successfully develop or not. All non-profit organisations depends on legal systems of the countries within which they operate for security, consultation, and provision of tax laws. The relationship between the non-profit organisation and the legal regimes in a country can either encourage or discourage the development and growth of a non-profit firm. For instance, countries that have very strict tax legislations discourage the establishment and prosperity of community-based non-profit organisations.

To promote legal systems that are favourable for the creation and development of non-profit organisations, there is need to come up with a universally acceptable conceptual framework that would guide all the legal systems in handling the non-profit organisations. For example, there has been a controversial debate on whether the jurisdictions should allow tax exemptions for non-profit organisation s. Some scholars argue that such a move will promote the development of the non-profit sector, while others believe that it would be harmful to the principles of such an organisation (Zamagni and Bruni, 2013). The relationship between legal norms in a given country and the non-profit organisations is rather a complex one because the same government that monitors and regulates the NGOs also subsidizes and supports these organisations. As such, inappropriate development of non-profit organisations cannot be blamed entirely on the legal systems within a given country.

In most countries, the legal systems blame non-profit organisations for lack of accountability. The government in such countries, therefore, establish strict measures that regulate the organisations values, norms, and expectations (Tschirhart and Bielefeld, 2012). Some countries such as the discourage donors from funding non-credited NGOs. In other countries such as the US, the non-profit organisations depend on the government due to the governments legal structures that promote the thriving on non-profit organisations in the country.

State-Non-Profit Relationship

The development of the non-profit organisations, especially in the developing nations is significantly affected by the state non-profit organisations relationship. In most countries, this relationship is ambivalent as non-profit organisations can be both beneficial to the government or can become its threat (Butcher and Einolf, 2017). In some instances, the government benefits from the professionalism and the external assistance that the organisations bring in the production of goods and services. On the other hand, the non-profit organisation s may pose a serious threat to the government owing to the fact that they bring liberation to the citizens of a given country, thus, may be perceived to be competing with the government in the provision of services to the people. The governments usually respond to the non-profit organisation s depending on the role they play in the country. Consequently, the governments can create a conducive or harsh environment for the establishment and development of the non-profit organisation s. For example, Vietnam and China have developed strict policies that restrict the operations of the non-profit organisation s in these countries (Vaughan and Arsneault, 2014). China and Vietnam, together with many other developing nation have adopted the use of corporatists strategy whereby the government supports governmental, non-profit organisations while restricting or completely banning the operations of the non-profit, non-governmental organisation s (Butcher and Einolf, 2017).

Similarly, the non-profit organisations monitor their relationship with the government. Non-profit organisation s in many developing nations seek and develop political capital thus retaining the political power to leverage volunteer participation while at the same time developing governments trust through legitimacy (Butcher and Einolf, 2017). The government may, therefore, be willing to allow the thriving of the non-profit organisations, due to the mutual relationship that is established between the state and the non-profit organisations.

Public Trust

The issue of public trust on the non-profit organisations can determine the success or failure of the firm. At present, the media has accused many non-profit organisations of their involvement in questionable fundraising, excessive compensation of the executives, lavish interests, selfish dealings and conflicts of interests (Aviv, 2017). The public may lose trust on non-profit organisation s although only a limited number of non-profit firms are involved in the cases of corruption and misdemeanour. Consequently, donors may be reluctant in funding non-profit organisation s in countries where there are allegations of poor governance, lack integrity and transparency (Burt, 2014). Development of non-profit organisations in such countries becomes almost impossible because for these firm to thrive, they require much funding from the donors and well-wishers.

Bryce (2017), note that lack the public trust can significantly influence the development of non-profit organisation s adversely, especially if the public loses trust for the effectiveness and legitimacy of the organisations. On the contrary, if the public trust the operations of non-profit organisations, the non-profits are more likely to prosper, promoting it in fulfilling its mission. Essentially, for non-profit organisations to gain trust from donors and outsiders, it must have gained trust with local communities. Donors and well-wishers are therefore more likely to fund some organisations that has reputable public trust because public trust portrays a reflection of the organisations (Bryce, 2017).


The development of a non-profit organisations to a great extent depends on the participation of the public to its activities. In countries such as the US and the UK where non-profit organisations are very successful, members of the public participate voluntarily in the activities of these organisations. Studies indicate that about 56% of the American citizens participates in the activities of non-profit organisations and about 90% makes financial contributions to the non-profit organisations (Koff, 2009). Such active participation of the public in the activities of non-profit organisations creates a conducive environment for the non-profits to thrive, and as a result develops the public.

Factors That Make Youth and Community Centre More Successful

The community can only realize its potential as a healthy and vibrant place when the youth in it are given an opportunity to participate in its development. The youth need to be fully welcomed to partake in the developments of the community. The community youth progress can herald the potential of the youth through the shift of the in several paradigms; recognizing the young people as problem-solvers, as assets and leaders who can effectively serve the society and also be served by the community in return (Green and Haines, 2015). The paradigm shift is experienced in many places across the globe, and they include the city and community youth centres where the youth play the significant roles as decision-makers, motivate the educational ad school-based reform as well as leading in conservation and environmental works to bring a balance in the ecology. There several factors that make the community and youth development more successful, as discussed below.

Youth Ownership

The youth ownership refers to the responsibility that the young people have input for the particular centre as well as a sense of responsibility for all the activities that take place in the facility. The youth should have a message that governs their centre, for instance emphasizing on respect hand having the sign or paint to put more emphasis on the same. In most cases, the adults are the one who takes up the responsibility of making rules and regulations of a centre. However, the youth should be present and actively participate in the making of the regulation so that they can adopt the rules and make them a part of their norms and culture (Schusler, Krasny and Decker, 2017). Youth ownership is all about control and power in the process of decision making so as to instill a sense of accountability and possession of the activities that the youth partake.


Mentor are people in the society who provide support and act as inspirations to other members of the society based on what they have achieved and accomplished in life. Starting from the adult staffs who work in the youth centres, that should be available people, individuals whom the youth can look up to when they face life challenges as well as suitable persons to all the young people despite their personalities. Mentors should be people who act role models to take after, offer support, inspire and provide encouragement and passion to the youth as well as seek and define the set realistic life goals for the young people. Everyone can be an inspiration to other people just the same way they have people who inspire them in life. The youth can also mentor their fellow youth, and that would allow them to make a difference in the society.

Community Connectedness

For the youth to be progressive in their endeavors, the community should thus support them to operate. Effective youth centres depend upon the help of the society regarding volunteers as well as resources (Draper and Coalter, 2016). The youth should also be in a position to give back to the community so that the relationship can be of mutual benefit and connectedness. Involving the young people in direct community services like shoveling the memorial wars of the town after a snowstorm can be highly effective as a means of empowering and engaging the youth as citizens in the renewal and revamping the community. Respectful and open communication between the youth and the larger society can be a barrier breaker between the two groups as well as improve resource and service sharing and the provision of opportunities for both the groups.

Youth centres can achieve connectedness at their centres through the development of adult-youth corporation in the board of governance in the facility. The two parties can regularly hold meetings where they can discuss and solve the...

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