The chief objective of GAH is to ensure that the senior population of Mission Viejo receives optimum care. Therefore, they have to develop a mission statement. The mission and vision statement of Golden Age Hospital is to ensure that all patients receive a high quality and affordable care.
Organization and Function
Since there is need to develop a new hospital wing, the evaluation, and organization of the concept has to be evaluated concerning how the new hospital wing will be functionally organized. The first step is by describing where the hospital is, it will then become easier to explain the changes that are required.
Mission Hospital started its operations in 1993. It had a bed capacity of about 170 beds. Three years later, a pediatric section was added to the hospital. When the new section was added, it became imperative to collocate the new section with golden age hospital to ensure that there would be proper coordination of shared services (Wiki, 2014). Currently, there is need to establish a new wing which will strictly take care of the needs of older patients. The new mission statement created will have to incorporate the provision of high-quality care to their patients throughout their lives, from the youngest to the oldest.
The new wing will necessitate the enhancement of the existing departments so that specialized services for older people are also included. However, this does not imply there is need to create and build a new facility need. It does not also imply that there is need to integrate it into Mission Viejo hospital system completely. The new hospital wing will also necessitate the inclusion of room for growth in all the expansion plans (Mara et al. 2010). Additionally, a control measure will have to be formulated so that there is proper coordination between all the various departments.
The figure shown below shows the future organization of Golden Age Hospital in a way that it will take care of the needs of all its patients. To efficiently meet all the operational commitments of the hospital, all the three current independent facilities which are under different management have to be merged, with the new name of the merger being referred to as Mission Health Group (Cuellara and Gertlerb, 2006). The significance of changing the name is that it will depict the enhanced capabilities of the new hospital wing coupled with the efficiency and effectiveness of the existing system.Figure 1: Organizational diagram, depicting the organizational structure (blocks) of the existing Mission Hospital (MVH), Childrens Hospital (CHOC), and the proposed Golden Age Hospital (GAH), and the community clinic (CC)
As shown in the figure above, there will be five major departments. These five units will be Golden Age Hospital, Mission Hospital, Administration services, A Childrens Hospital department and an Ancillary services department (Cuellara and Gertlerb, 2006). Among the five departments, the Ancillary and Administration department will not operate independently. To save on costs and resources, and also ensure that the resources are organized in a centralized manner, the functions of these two departments will serve all the other three departments collectively (Cuellara and Gertlerb, 2006). The Ancillary Department will be used by all the other three departments. Nonetheless, an additional weight and sleep management department will be added to the new hospital wing. All the expanded and new departments will have an internal leadership team of their own. As can be seen in the diagram, the weight management section will fall under the counseling services as well as BOL services. Another important consideration to be made is to ensure that even the non-geriatric community gets the services of the new expanded and added wing.
The hospital will also need to lower its overhead expenses. As such, there will be a third-party contract which will take care of overflow items that cannot be incorporated into existing units. The current resources in the laboratory cannot take care of the needs of the expanded facility (Wedel and Wagner, 2000). Consequently, this calls for the outsourcing of evaluation services by a third party. Outsourcing will reduce the overall capital investment required.
It is also important to note that a long-term treatment facility will be included in the new facility. The evaluation and analysis of the existing resources and needs of the community shows that are most of the currently existing facilities are intent on providing services for the older people. Through the addition of a long-term care facility, the hospital will be able to tap into a market that was not tapped (Mara et al. 2010). In as much as there will be several milestones which will have to be met before its fully accredited, the Mission Hospital will be able to take care of the needs of the more than 40,000 residents of Mission Viejo. Coordination of care will be achieved through the coordination and integration of technological aspects across the different fields. Among the new technology that the hospital will have to adopt include equipment standardization and the recording of data electronically.
Since the primary reason for the expansion is to take care of the needs of older people and increase market share of the current population, Mission Group Hospital has to develop its future capacity. As of now, Mission Group has 582 beds. Of these 582 beds, only 237 beds are not for non-pediatric patients. While assuming that most of the patients at the hospital will be geriatric patients, around 90 more beds will be needed to meet all the ends sufficiently. However, the growth rate of the area has to be put into consideration. According to Mission Viejo statistics, in half a decade, the bed capacity will increase by 15, from 90 to 105.
The second important consideration to be noted is that since the Mission Hospital will be under the Golden Age Hospital, there will be at least 90 extra beds. As such, there is need to expand the current facility by a hundred beds and incorporate fifty more beds from the Mission Hospital.
The expansion of the hospital will call for more services. Since the new department will mostly cater to the needs of the elderly, issues and health concerns related to them will have to be dealt with first. Some of these services include oncology and cardiology services (Mara et al. 2010). Additionally, Golden Age Hospital should also incorporate cardiac care and rehab so that it can able to provide services to not only those who are above sixty-five years but also those who fall between the ranges of forty-five and sixty-five.
As people become older, they become focused on the maintenance of the functions that they still have compared to younger people. Golden Age Hospital will, therefore, provide transitional rehabilitation services for older patients. Moreover, it will also provide specialized physical therapy for these patients. Other than just providing traditional treatment services, Golden Age Hospital will provide counseling services for all patients. Lastly, the most essential service will be the long-term care facility which will take care of all transitional and extensive care services (Wedel and Wagner, 2000). The Mission Health Group will have to hire more physicians, but this should not be at the cost of healthcare delivery.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Before the new golden age hospital wing can be started, it is imperative that the Mission group organizes its structure in a way that fully covers its mission statement which is to provide quality and affordable care for not only infants but also the elderly. The vision can only be achieved through the consolidation of the new system around similar technological patterns. There should also be an emphasis on quality of care based on evidence-based practice. In as much as Golden Age Hospital is the focus and drive for the change process, the Mission Group is set to benefit from the consolidation of ancillary and administration services as well. The number of people served by the hospital will also increase considerably.
Cuellara, A. E. &Gertlerb, P. J. (2006). Strategic integration of hospitals and physicians. Journal of Health Economics. Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 1-28. Retrieved February 10, 2014 fromhttp://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/gertler/working_papers/hospital_vi_5_10_02.pdf
Mara, C. M., PhD.,&Ziegenfuss, James T,Jr, PhD. (2010). Creating the strategic future of long-term-care organizations. Care Management Journals, 2(2), 116-24. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/197980746?accountid=28844.
St Joseph Health. (2014). CHOC Children's at Mission Hospital. Retrieved Jan 15 2014 from http://www.mission4health.com/Our-Services/Affiliations/CHOC-Childrens-at-Mission-Hospital.aspx
Wikipedia. (2014). Mission Hospital (Mission Viejo, California). Retrieved October 20, 2017 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Mission_Hospital.Wedel, Michel and Wagner Kamakura (2000) Market Segmentation: Conceptual and
Methodological Foundations.Boston : Kluwer.
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