The History of Thomas Hobbes

Published: 2021-06-25
983 words
4 pages
9 min to read
Harvey Mudd College
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Thomas Hobbes was given birth on the 5th of April, 1588 in England in Westport, Wiltshire, and later died on 4th December, 1679, in Derbyshire at Hardwick Hall. Hobbes was a historian, scientist, English philosopher, best known for his political philosophy more especially those that are articulated in his Leviathan masterpiece of 1651. Primarily Hobbes viewed the government as a device for ensuring collective security. He said that the hypothetical social contract justifies the political authority among the several that vests in a sovereign entity or person the responsibility for the well-being and safety of all. In that regard, Hobbes defended materialism in metaphysics, on the view which was stating that only material things are real (Sorell, 2013). The effects of matter in motion were represented in his scientific writings as observed phenomena. In such terms, Thomas Hobbes in his right was not only a scientist but a great systematizer of his contemporary scientific findings. Therefore, this topic will entirely cover the brief description and identification of the topic, an explanation of the subject towards the history of the time, and matter connection to the major events that occurred in the world around it.

Thomas Hobbes is a crucial subject as his history connects with the history of the time. In that case, Thomas Hobbes the English philosopher tried to find a way out of this labyrinth. His political theology interpreted a set of revealed divine commands traditionally and applied them to social life. In connection to that, in his excellent treatise Leviathan of 1651, Hobbes talked of why and how human beings believed God revealed them and ignored the substance involved in those commands (Cameron, Margaret, and Benjamin Hill, 2017, 1-18). In such terms, it led him to do the most revolutionary things in which a thinker can ever do such as he changed the subject to man and his beliefs from God and his commands. And that is the great significant of this topic because if individuals reason the way, Hobbes reasoned they would understand why religious convictions find a way of containing potential violence after it has led to political conflicts.

For instance, the Western Christendom contemporary crisis created an audience for Hobbes and his ideas. In the middle of the religious war, Hobbes view was that the human mind was too beset by passions and weak in having any reliable knowledge of the divine and was seen to be common and sensible. Due to that, it made sense in a way to assume that when a man speaks about God is referring to all he knows and his experience. And fear is the common characteristics of his experience because in mans natural is overwhelmed with anxiety. Meaning that in his life all day is gnawed by fear of another calamity, poverty, or death, hence making him have no pause or repose of his anxiety except when is sleep. Thus because of such ideas of Hobbes made human beings to fashion idols to protect them from attributing divine powers, and what they fear most instead of trusting God (Hobbs, Richard J., et al. 2014, 557-564). To add on that, not only those days people valued idols but until date, some individuals appreciate them for protection hence such view of Hobbes is of great significance as it helps people to understand the origins of idol worship which still exist in the world. Therefore, such signifies the events that occurred those days and its impacts.

Moreover, according to American governing principles, some of Hobbes' ideas were contrary to his belief in absolute power over a government's subjects. But many of Hobbes ideas were entirely consistent with the country's founding documents presented. Nevertheless, many of his ideas on natural liberties, equality, and social contracts inspired the Declaration of the Constitution and Independence. In such terms, without a government what life would be like Hobbes imagined and concluded later that it would be short, brutish, and nasty. He envisioned individuals attacking others in pursuit of their interests and always vying with each other to fulfill their self-interest (Higgs, Eric, et al. 2014, 499-506). Due to that, it led to the American government foundation to be rooted in Hobbes which is the social compact (Wandley2017). Hobbes believed that for people to consent to form a government, prevent the state of natures chaos, and enforce law those ideas had to be written in the U.S. Constitution. And those were to ensure that people establish a government, ensure domestic tranquility, and promote the general welfare.

Hobbes also emphasized on inalienable rights (natural liberties) which specified that all men have certain unalienable rights, endowed and are created equal. Thomas believed that government subjects have a right to defend themselves against a government that does not support them and even overthrows it. Such crucial ideas of Thomas Hobbes assisted mostly in the establishment and the Declaration of Independence of the United States. In that case, the Second Amendment to the Constitution supports a Hobbesian view on self-defense as it states that a militia which is well-regulated is necessary to the Free States security. In such terms, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution of the post-Civil War explicitly forbids any nation that deprives a persons property without due process of law, liberty, and life. Therefore, Hobbes ideas are regarded as perfect as they are applicable up to the present world.

Works Cited

Wandley, Kevin. "Thomas Hobbes' Importance in American Government | Synonym." Classroom | Synonym, 2017, Accessed 26 Apr. 2017.

Sorell, Tom. "Thomas Hobbes | English Philosopher |" Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 Feb. 2013, Accessed 26 Apr. 2017.

Higgs, Eric, et al. "The changing role of history in restoration ecology." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12.9 (2014): 499-506.

Hobbs, Richard J., et al. "Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12.10 (2014): 557-564.

Cameron, Margaret, and Benjamin Hill. "Introduction." Sourcebook in the History of Philosophy of Language. Springer International Publishing, 2017. 1-18.

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