The Five Mindfulness Practice - Paper Example

Published: 2021-08-10
868 words
4 pages
8 min to read
Boston College
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Course work
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Five mindfulness training are Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh vision for a spiritual world. These methods are established on dogma developed in the time of Buddha, to be a pillar for the entire training (Hanh). Through mindfulness, we are alert to what our bodies are going through, the world, feeling and our minds. Mindful offers us protection to our society and family. Being mindful we can prevent things from happening in the future. We can reach our judgment. No authority controls us from the outside. Through mindfulness, we can be more calm and concentrated. True happiness, the importance of life true, deep listening and loving speech, and healing and nourishment the five practices of mindfulness.

True Happiness

The training makes it desirable for one to live in real happiness, chasing after fame, power; sensual pleasure and fortune bring difficulty and anguish. Thus happiness requires mental attitude, not external gains. With that, you can live the present by realizing in the moment you have many settings to be happy. Living with the right livelihood reduces suffering

Unhappiness caused by oppression, stealing, exploitation and social prejudice. We all experience these sufferings. What we need to change is the culture of generosity in our speech, behavior, and thinking. You can be determined not steal, share with the needy and that others happiness and suffering are not disunited from my happiness and suffering.

Deep Listening and Loving Speech

Unmindful speech and failure to listen to others bring anguish; this practice will help you to cultivate thoughtful expression and listening to others companionably to subdue suffering and uphold peace and reconciliation in yourself and ethnic and religious groups, people and nations. Words can create suffering or happiness thus its great suffering to speak candidly using words that animate hope joy and resolute.

For one transform suffering to happiness or see the light through stressful situations, you will change on how you speak and listen to others. You will talk and listen to others in a way you can help yourself and your neighbor to convert suffering and persevere through stressful situations.

Purpose of Life

We see the difficulty caused by the destruction of life; it will be desirable for one to raise intuition of compassion and insight to protect peoples lives animal, minerals, and plant. One needs to cultivate compassion to use as motivation to protect people and their environment.

When you live purpose of life, you will determine not to foothold any killing in the world. You will not kill or let others die. You will be able to cultivate openness, non-attachment and non-discriminating views when noxious actions arise from greed, anger, and fear

True Love

Sexual misbehavior causes suffering to many families children and couple. Knowing that sexual lust is not loved and sexually motivated by craving will harm me and others; it is desirable for one not to indulge in sexual relations without true love and long-term commitment known by family and friends. Real love does not need short or long-term obligations or even wedding ceremony. True love is about responsibility, accepting the other persons

One will follow the training to protecting children who are vulnerable to sexual abuse. One will also protect families that separate because of sexual misconduct. One will also train his /her body to learn relevant ways to care about sexual energy. This can be done by committing to joy inclusiveness compassion and loving kindness. Practicing True love is for the greater happiness of others and to you. Two people loving each other must respect each other and trust each other.

Healing and Nourishment

This practice makes aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption; it helps to promote one to practice good health, from a mental and physical perspective. One can also share this good idea with family and society. It is desirable to consume foods that are not toxic to the body. One can even inspire other people to live the same way (Baer & al.27-45). Currently, people their bodies belong to them and the law supports you, but the teachings of emptiness your body belongs to your parent's ancestors and future generations, it also part of the society and all living things.

Your perception of what you consume will change. You will not consume alcohol drugs and any toxic products. You will be strong from letting anxiety and craving to pull you from my mindful consumption. You will also be mindful of consuming Toxic products like specific TV programs books magazines and films with will damage consciousness. Getting addicted to alcohol destroys your body, your family, and society. You become helpful to the community. You can have two glasses of wine which is quite moderate. There is no use to drink alcohol, to harm you and family.

In conclusion, our bodies are very imported into our self, family, and society. We need to protect it against any toxins and poison that manifest its self. With mindfulness practices, we are alert to our mind, feelings and the world. We should also mind our neighbors feelings health and security. Thus mindfulness practice brings intuition and literacy.

Work cited

Baer, Ruth A., et al. "Using self-report assessment methods to explore facets of mindfulness." Assessment 13.1 (2006): 27-45.

Hanh, Nhat. Interbeing: Fourteen guidelines for engaged Buddhism. Parallax Press, 1998.

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