For the past 50years, the demographics of the workforce has changed dramatically in various offices. In the 1950s, about 60% of the workforce was male were in America, they were majorly Whiteman (Herring, 2009). Currently, the American workforce typically reflects the entire population that significantly include all genders, religions, races among other things. Most organizations have realized the benefits of an inclusive workforce. According to Ragins (2007), the long-term success of any company requires a diverse body of talents with the ability to bring new ideas, views as well as perspectives on their work. The managers must capitalize on the mixture of genders, age, culture as well as lifestyles to enable them to respond to business opportunities more creatively.
Working at a global bank in Japan some years ago enabled me to learn to understand different cultures and how they operate in those particular areas. During that period, a section of female Japanese filed complaints to the management. They claimed that some of the male Japanese bosses are disrespectful to them. The HR then took the initiative to conduct an investigation, and when the culprits were questioned, it was never a big deal to them following their culture. According to them, they expected any Japanese to understand them and not to take it as an offense. The white women, on the other hand, raised same complaints, and when the men were asked, they said they are Japanese hence practices their culture regardless of the American culture regarding sexual harassment. In Japan, sexual harassment is never taken severe like in America whereby the victims can bring a legal action. Following the laws against sexual harassment in America, I found the behaviors of these Japanese bizarre and unacceptable.
The human resource manager had to come in to solve these issues, especially for the companys reputation. First, the culprits had to understand that they are working in a global business where the workforce come from diverse backgrounds. To coexist in a different environment, the players need to understand the cultural differences that exist and accord each one of them the respect they deserve (Barak, 2016). The manager had to suspend the offenders for two days as a punishment for their misconduct at the workplace.
Since it was a global company, the management team should undergo training on diversity awareness to enable them to create an inclusive workplace across all backgrounds and generations. The workforce should be educated on to build a culture of tolerance and respect among themselves (Konrad, 2003). By having such training, all the workers will learn how to respect one another and how to coexist within a diverse environment. If the company can employ such strategies, culture clash will be a past issue to this bank.
Autocratic leadership (Jogulu, 2010). After confirming that complains were right, the manager without consulting any other staff decided to suspend the offenders. The company experienced some hitches for those two days what may have been prevented if the manager had asked the others on the way forward.
For a whole company to prosper, it requires the commitments of the managerial teams as well as the executives. Managers and leaders within the organization must ensure that diversity policies are incorporated into all aspects of the company purpose and functions. The junior staff will copy the top managements attitudes towards diversity what makes it a must for the senior management to lead by example.
Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.
Herring, C. (2009). Does diversity pay? Race, gender, and the business case for diversity. American Sociological Review, 74(2), 208-224.
Jogulu, U. D. (2010). Culturally-linked leadership styles. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(8), 705-719.
Konrad, A. M. (2003). Special issue introduction: Defining the domain of workplace diversity scholarship. Group & Organization Management, 28(1), 4-17.
Ragins, B. R. (2007). Diversity and workplace mentoring relationships: A review and positive social capital approach. The Blackwell handbook of mentoring: A multiple perspectives approach, 281-300.
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