The standpoint theory is a woman-based hypothetical viewpoint that claims the fact that understanding curtails from a common point. It refutes the fact that traditional knowledge is detached and also implicates that exploration and philosophy have overlooked and sidelined womenfolk. The standpoint perspective usually begins from the standpoint of women or other marginalized people. Standpoint theory is concentrated on the civil characteristics of public situation by emphasizing on from a woman viewpoint (Soldanova, 2015).It represents the marginalization of the woman experience and represents a standpoint of things from the view of women. The movie The Cider House Rules is based on Homer who is an orphan in Maine. Homer imparts his medical knowledge on Homer who became a skilled physician. The novel deals with the controversial issue of abortion and mentions how this problem is one that affects the society in a significant way.
The movie manages to explain the issue of abortion in a specific political problem, and it stresses the power and responsibility. Abortion is represented as a primary issue of women health and a political issue, and it also emphasizes authority and accountability of men in abortion strategies and arguments. It gives an explicit representation of the abortion issue in the context of the changing society (00:07:22-00:07-26).The cedar house rules are unconventional which has managed to address the issue of abortion as a political issue that affects the modern day community (Hallstrom,1999).The Cider house Rules gives an explicit understanding of abortion, contraception, and childbirth. The Cider House Rules is focused on two male characters in a complicated situation. It is concentrated in a period when abortion is prohibited, and Dr. Wilbur Larch arrives to run a small orphanage.
It appears the doctor has a remarkably felt aspiration to allow women to have a choice. Abortion is represented as a societal practice which involves both males and females, and it serves gender-based and based sexual positions of empowerment. It bears a representation of womenfolk as necessary result swayers but not a result of occurrences. It also represents the limited powers of influence that women have on the issue of abortion (Wahlstrom, 2013). One initial observation is the focus on the authority and responsibility of men in the creation and implementation of abortion policies as well as abortion debates (Hendrickson, 2016).It also represents the significant shift in women voices and especially in the ability to voice demands and expectations of women. Candy reveals ton Homer that the father of Rose is the father makes Homer admit his accountability to work as an abortionist and after Melonys skirmish with Homer she is disappointed with the fact that he is a liar.
The movie also manages to express abortion as a universal concept and as a normative reproductive practice. It provides a straightforward explanation of the matter that is founded on an accurate as well as the scientifically informed viewpoint that is woman oriented. The movie manages to give a pro-choice stance, and it argues for the progressive feminist purpose of promoting the act of abortion (Ambjornsson & Ganetz, 2013).There is a significant illustration that abortion does not disqualify or even contradict motherhood, It counters the image that is encouraged by anti-abortion campaigners that females who support abortion are against development. There is an immediacy of abortion and maternity which is recognized through a diversity of policies that have been used in the movie. The issue of abortion in the film The Cider House Rules has been characterized as one section of a procreative range as a fragment of ordinary feminine sexuality.
The film projects a pro-life position as well as a small baby life standpoint in approval of women's privileges standpoints. Homer Wells manages to enhance the interpretation of the unborn baby as an individual to rule his emotions, and he insists that he will not execute an abortion process. Far along on, he changes his awareness and executes an abortion on a woman. Later on, after the death of Dr. Latch, he moves back to St Clouds and continues to perform abortions on women. The anti-abortion stance is placed on a protagonist who later on changes his opinion concerning the practice (Wahlstrom, 2016).Homer shifts to the pro-choice position as a part of his evolution to what he views as "responsible adulthood." Abortion is not only offered in an extensive line of specific circumstances, but it is also entangled in structurally gender-based authority associations between womankind and abortionists. The movie The Cider House Rules treats the issue of abortion explicitly and furthermore in negative terms.
In this novel, the issue of abortion is not shown as a negative social issue (Edwards, 2014).The significant debate in the movie is based on the morality of abortion, and this reveals how it is viewed in context of this particular community. It manages to place the arguments between Homer and Larch for a specific light, and it also fails to show the mutual understanding between these two male characters regarding the act (00:25:12-00:25-20).It is however clear that the issue of abortion has been minimized to be a reproductive rights matter (Koloze, 2014).The Cider House Rules is consistent with the political as well as ethical argument about reproduction and abortion in the United States. It represents explicitly feminist perspectives as well as ideological views of anti-abortion advocates mainly focusing on the issue of fetal rights discourse. Homer seems to be confused between the boundaries between a fetus and an orphan.
There are apparent representations of women coming to St Clouds and are expectant. The Cider House Rules is a traditional movie, and it concerns a period when the issue of unborn baby privileges had become a significant issue and when pee natal rights were controversial. One scene reveals a lady who has come to the center after a failed abortion, and this gives Larch a chance to attack Homer concerning what he would have done if the same scenario had occurred earlier (00:24:03-00:24:07).It helps one to realize the fallacy of the question. One can help to recognize that the actions of Homer are questionable and one can understand the portrayal of abortion as a moral attribute (Byers et al.,2015).Another ethical question as raised in the novel when Angel as a teenager falls for the daughter of the head migrant worker of the apple orchard. Rose is sexually abused by her father and becomes pregnant with him. In this scenario, Homer is obliged to perform an abortion on her.
It is essential to understand Homer's original position on abortion, and this quickly changes due to some reasons. One primary reason for this change is the fact that Homer's choice to perform abortion created by incest was due to his ethical certainty that he wanted to be relevant to the society. Homer is a man who has no moral conscience, and he uses this Ulitarian perspective to base his own decisions (1:36-40).The assertion by Mr. Rose concerning the inappropriateness of some morals as pertains to the cider house allegedly to help the audience understand more concerning the applicability of ethical and virtuous standards in life. The novel gives explicit portrayals of the issue of abortion in a feministic view, and it provides a criticism of the male aspect of abortion. The Standpoint theory has been implemented in the novel to give a moral standpoint to the issue of abortion.
Ambjornsson, F., & Ganetz, H. (2013). Introduction: Feminist Cultural Studies. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 5(2), 127-121.
Byers, V. T., Smith, R. N., Angrove, K. E., McAlister-Shields, L., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2015). Experiences of Select Women Doctoral Students: A Feminist Standpoint Theory Perspective. International Journal of Education, 7(1), 266-304.
Edwards, G. (2014). Standpoint theory, realism and the search for objectivity in the sociology of education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35(2), 167-184.
Hallstrom, L. (1999). The cider house rules [motion picture]. USA: Miramax.
Hayren, A., & Henriksson, H. W. (Eds.). (2016). Critical Perspectives on Masculinities and Relationalities: In Relation to What? Springer.
Henriksson, H. W. (2016). Exploring the Relationality of Fatherhood: John Irvings The Cider House Rules. In Critical Perspectives on Masculinities and Relationalities (pp. 9-21). Springer International Publishing.
Koloze, J. J. (2014). Abortion in Contemporary Literature.
Soldanova, V. (2015). On the Issue of Abortions in John Irving's The Cider House Rules in the Context of American Society (Doctoral dissertation, Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogicka fakulta).
Wahlstrom, H. (2013). Reproduction, Politics, and John Irvings The Cider House Rules: Womens Rights or" Fetal Rights"?. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 5(2), 251-271.
Wahlstrom Henriksson, H. (2016). Exploring the Relationality of Fatherhood:: John Irvings The Cider House Rules.
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