Change management is a step that involves the use of tools and techniques to manage the people side of change for the organization to achieve the desired outcomes. The first principle of change management is called, start at the top. In case of a change in a team, it affects all the members. Those responsible for controlling modifications are senior executives (Muge, 2015). Top leaders should be prepared both physically and mentally to handle any upcoming change. Managers should be united in planning for the organizations changes and the effect it will bring to employees.
The second principle is that it should affect all layers. The changes that an organization upholds touch all the levels. An example includes an initiative of the group to go green, to become environmentally friendly. For this kind of effort to work changes must be implemented by setting up the waste recycling program and adopting eco-friendly tools to save energy and water. The third principle is chaos preparation. The outcome of change is unpredictable. Managers should expect anything. Changes will always occur, and the best way to handle it is to be prepared.
The following are the three leadership learning discipline; shared vision involves the time taken in the early stages of the change process to engage in the necessary conversations to achieve better understandings and commitments. This way an image is shaped. Hopes and aspirations are realized while resistances and reservation are exposed. Tools like concept-shifting, positive visioning and values alignment are used by leaders for a shared vision to be created (Senge, 1990). The send discipline is the mental models. Mental models determine the way individuals think and act, they include mindsets, values, beliefs, and assumptions. Leaders use tools such as reflective inquiry and ladder of interference to facilitate understanding
The third discipline is personal mastery involves self-awareness. The knowledge we have about others and how our behavior affects others. Own Mastery is described as the human face of change; it is sensitive in managing the change relationships. It ensures that our change behaviors and interactions are ethical, genuine and congruent. Tools used here include reframing and perceptual positions to aid in the communication with others in the organization and to achieve better relationships both inside and outside the organization.
The selected learning discipline is mental models. The mental models are often by past experiences, includes typically incomplete facts and spontaneous perceptions, which helps to shape specific behaviors and actions. The complicated situations that people pay attention to are influenced by mental models and in the end, they define ways in which people approach and solve problems. Mental models only lead people to seek certain types of information. It is crucial in providing people with a helpful list of words for them to view things regarding risk prevention (Chasteen, 2011). It makes people cautious.
The rationale for selection inputted a lot of factors. The fist included the organizational integrity. The team needed to be credible, accountable and sustainable where all the activities are in accordance belief, values, ideas, mission, and vision. The other thing was the promotion of a positive working environment that can solve problems and improve the quality of service in the organization. The other factor was an efficient use of the available resources for the overall good. Therefore considering all these factors the mental models learning discipline was selected.
Team development material is used to set well laid down goals to achieve desirable results. Members of the team will be in a position to design goals and discuss them. It also aids in the determination of the membership of the group. One can consider the right expertise needed such as skills and knowledge for the team to achieve its goals. There should be an inclusion of sufficient diversity of values and perspectives to ensure harsh thoughts and discussion. It is also used to ensure that systems and practices are followed. Roles in the team are given. This will ensure that decisions are made appropriately, and problems are solved soberly.
Team development material will also help the team in stimulating their thinking capabilities and approaches. It will even give a method for provision of incentives and rewards. The best individuals will be rewarded for their excellent work. Team development material also aids in building competence and confidence. It will also help the team to focus on their mission and avoid interruptions. The team will create a working vision to keep them moving. Finally, the team development material will assist the team to increase their efficiency and effectiveness in their place of work.
A selected team is a group of students committed to developing the necessary skills and knowledge. They value team development as it essential for promoting excellence in a learning institution. The team assignment is the effects of advancement in technology in schools. The organization chosen is IEEE (Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers). It is the most significant professional association in the world concerned with the advancement in technology.
Chasteen Stephanie, (2011). Importance of mental models. Available at https://blog.sciencegeekgirl.com/2011/06/13/the-importance-of-mental-models/ Accessed on October 30, 2017
Muge Gavin, (2015). Management Training& Development. Available at https://www.management-training-development.com/change-management/3-principles-of-change-management-all-managers-should-consider Accessed on October 30, 2017.
Senge Peter, (1990). Five Learning Disciplines. Available at https://www.thechangeforum.com/Learning_Disciplines.htm Accessed on October 30, 2017
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