Simulation Statecraft: Reflection on World Affairs

Published: 2021-06-29
952 words
4 pages
8 min to read
Middlebury College
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Exactly how the world's politics relationship work is a very crucial question that has very precise challenging answers. The connotations between individual and private corporations, non-governmental and government institutions, transnational institutions and sovereign states are so multifaceted that when finding one straightforward and single form that explains all of them is becoming a hard task. The starring role of world politics or international relations is to execute this part by trying to develop various theories that seek to explicate this tasks in a simpler manner through the use of models that determine how the world works (Hom, 272). As the world is tilting and major events such as those witnessed in Ukraine, topics that center on world politics or international relations have turned out to be so popular amongst people. Nonetheless, so many persons have no clue what it means by world politics.

Academically, world politics centers on politics on the globe defining states as being units, the maintaining of peace within the international system and relations that exist between countries. The areas that touch on world politics entails international law, diplomacy, and international finance. In the interior of global politics, there are realism and idealism as the main theories. The principles of idealism and realism impact on the decision making and interpretation reached ever since they are always distinctive from one another. The theory of Idealism emphasis on what ought to be' rather than focusing on reality (Steele, 272). The theory of realism also emphasizes on what is' instead of concentrating on the ideal income.

The Views of Realists vs. Liberalists

The views of realists and liberalism are controversial. The controversy exists in the following areas: Key actors in world politics; the role of international institutions; states' priorities; human nature; relative vs. absolute gains; the nature of the international system, and the prospects for cooperation among countries. Of great concern under this study are; the states' priority, the nature of the international institutions and the key actors in the world politics.

States' priorities

The realism holds that on the state's priority that all the states should follow their self-interests. On the other hand, the liberalism holds that all the countries can at all cost have to liaise with from one country to another and at the same time act more altruistically. Thus, the realist wants the state to maintain only the security of their own. Realists prefer to have power so as they can be deemed to be strong enough in defending themselves from any external attack. Realists' actions are thus motivated by the desire of enhancing power and securing themselves from external attacks. While idealist or liberals on the other end maintain that states should not always be looking for power.

The role of international institutions and nature of international system

The idealism or liberals accept as true that the nature and the role of the international bodies can be easily be manipulated. They believe that the manipulation will lead to peace being likely. Equally, the realists hold that peace cannot be arrived at through manipulation of the rest of the world. The idealism has faith in bodies like those of the United Nations (Steele, 278). These idealists hold that such institutions such as United Nations have a likelihood of making countries interact with others through a range of ways which will lead to a probability of occurrence of conflicts between given countries. Consequentially, the realists maintain that the nature of the international system is intrinsically anarchical and thus cannot be forced by making peace except enhancing that peace through power.

Key actors in world politics

Realists hold that only state actors are vital while liberals hold that non-state actors are all essential. All the liberals only give consideration to specific or individual leaders. Equally, the liberals pay attention to organizations that are non-governmental. On the other end, the realists believe that it is only the state that matters and they don't pay any consideration to non-governmental organizations. They also don't give attention to an individual or particular leaders. They prefer to obey only the state and nothing else (Smith, 2).

Simulation Statecraft Reflection on World Affairs Based on Idealism and Realists

The simulation statecraft that relies on world affairs is best captured by realist under the case of Narnia. The case on Westeros is based on equipping Narnia with enough resources such as oil, steel, food, scientific knowledge, and gold. Most of these countries under this region are united and believe communication is essential amongst state to state. All of them agree to equip Westeros with all it needs since they believe in the realist's theory of living in harmony. They also unite on the state to state agreement of helping Westeros the elimination of globe of frost and lowering the ice temperature of the hilly areas. Equally, these countries depict the use of statecraft captured in realism when they all unite and respect the international role of institutions such as United Nations and UNESCO in their administration of their services among member states and uniting them under one common agenda of assisting Westeros. These countries also respect peace. They respect and pay attention to peace treaties that inhibit them from fighting against one another. These countries have a military that cuts across these countries that are in existence to give protection to member states from any attack from outside. Therefore, simulation statecraft is best captured by realism in this particular area of Westeros.

Work cited

Hom, Andrew R., and Brent J. Steele. "Open horizons: The temporal visions of reflexive realism." International Studies Review 12.2 (2010): 271-300.

Steele, Brent J. "Eavesdropping on honored ghosts: from classical to reflexive realism." Journal of International Relations and Development 10.3 (2007): 272-300.

Smith, Hayden, and Niall Michelsen. "Pursuing Ideology with Statecraft." Journal of Political Science Education (2017): 1-16.

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