Success in any sporting activity largely depends on various factors including the genetic endowment in athletes having morphologic, physiologic as well as metabolic features which are distinct to the performance traits which are critical to their sport. These genetically endowed sportspersons must always receive the optimal training and other physical exercises to enhance their physical power or energy, increase the mental capacity, along with the provision of a mechanical advantage. However, it is notable that the many athletes always seek to go beyond their designed training programs and use various substances and methods which are typically referred to as ergogenics with the aim of gaining competitive advantage. Supplements refer to anything which is included in the diet to make up for any nutritional deficiency. Personally, I chose the topic because as a sportsman, I am highly concerned with the rising cases of the use of pharmacological agents including the use of the anabolic steroids along with the amphetamines which have been used in the past. The continuous practice of using various kinds of supplements have also resulted in the creation of anti-doping regulations as well as the efficient examination protocols to assist in deterring their usage. Therefore, I am interested in being one of the anti-doping ambassadors is motivated to ensure there is an end to the unethical practices through the use of sports supplement which might harm the human health. Notably, several athletes have always turned to multiple strategies in dietary, including the use of different dietary supplements or the sports supplements, which they believe to be efficient, secure as well as legal.
Review of Literature
What does the literature tell you about the topic?
Much research has been developed and studied on the sports supplement topic. These literature have enabled me to gain much understanding and insight on the topic which could then be effective in ensuring there are ethical practices among the athletes. From the article, it is evident that the sports supplements are used by various athletes all over the world, and this has enabled the researchers to consider studying the research topic. Besides, after examining this literature, it is likely that the topic of sports supplement needs much investigation by different researchers because the athletes have always failed to identify and recognize the significance of using the dietary supplements in their sporting activities. The athletes who use these sports supplements have on several occasions turned a blind eye to the negative impacts of using the sports supplements but only valued gaining a competitive advantage over their competitors. Thus, from various literature which is related to the topic, it is prudent to assert that much research is needed to rescue the adverse situation which an athlete might be faced with (Williams, 2004).
There are different kinds of studies which have been previously done on the topic. In many research on the sports supplement topic, researchers have increasingly used the systematic review type of study to examine the use of supplement among the athletes. For instance, McDowall, J. A. (2007) used the reviewed studies of supplement utilization among children along with the adolescent athletes. Moreover, it should be noted that scientists have previously conducted qualitative research to provide solutions to a variety of research questions which are related to the athletes reactions to the actual or likely health issues. Other types of research which have been conducted on the topic include meta-analysis, evidence-based research as well as cross-sectional studies which described the relationship between diseases and other important factors. From these studies, it is evident that there are different impacts which come about from the use of sports supplement and therefore, individuals should take up appropriate measures which can ensure there corrective use of these supplements.
How Sports Supplement Improve the Physical Performance
Studies have proved that some sports supplement can significantly enhance the physical performance of athletes. McDowall, J. A. (2007) assert that with the use of sports supplements among the adult athletes will have the highest effect on healing and rehabilitation, and certain supplements including the protein and Creatine supplements are also perceived to have a high impact on the sports performance. The use of sports supplement can also increase an athletes energy, performance, improved health, prevent the nutritional deficiencies, prevent any kind of illness, enhance the muscle mass as well as the improved recovery in case there is an injury (Williams, 2004). Nonetheless, the intake of both minerals and vitamin supplements by the athletes will only lead to an improved, enhanced performance in various sporting activities. Studies have also demonstrated that users of nutritional supplements will always tend to have better health-concerned conduct that is a healthier nutritional intake. Therefore, after analysis of various literature, it is evident that the increased sports performance is the primary reason for using the sports supplements by both female and male and female athletes. Another major reason for the use of sports supplements which was cited by the various researchers after conduct research surveys include the growth and development of bones along with other body muscles (McDowall, 2007).
Body Building Supplement
Bodybuilding supplements refer to the dietary supplements which are mainly sold to those individuals who are involved in such activities as bodybuilding, weightlifting as well as athletics. Notably, among the most broadly utilized include the vitamins, proteins, glutamine, and fatty acids among others (McDowall, 2007). Although some individuals have continuously used the bodybuilding supplements to enhance their physical performance, they have always failed to recognize some of the side effects of using these supplements to the human body. For instance, boosting the testosterone levels through the use of testosterone boosters will always result to serious side effects including loss of hair, enlargement of breasts among males, prostate enlargement, acne as well as increased levels of estrogens. Moreover, it should be noted that the human body has enough Creatine and adding more will enhance the absorption of water from the other organs in the body along with the deposits into the muscle cells. This will lead insufficient supply of water in other parts of the body; hence, dehydration (Williams, 2006).
Bad Examples of Using Sport Supplements
Physicians always have in the forefront in championing of the eradication of sports supplements among the athletes citing the various sides these supplements are associated with. For instance, adolescents who utilize the muscle-bulking agents or supplements are always at a risk of developing likely career-ending injuries which can be caused by the raptures of the tendinous inclusion of over-developed muscles into an undeveloped skeleton.
How to Use Supplements Correctly
According to Petroczi, A., & Naughton, D. P. (2007), there are multiple factors which can be involved in the athletes choice to use the various supplements. As mentioned earlier, some of these reasons for using sports supplements include increasing the strength, endurance in training and overcoming the likely injuries among others. It is however unfortunate that these athletes use the sports supplement despite their limited knowledge concerning the use and effects of the supplements. Therefore, it is necessary to seek advice from the qualified physicians to recommend the best sports supplement that will not adversely affect your body (Petroczi & Naughton 2007).
Future Research
Categorically, future studies are required regarding the impacts of high levels vitamins and minerals toxicity, since they are most regularly consumed supplement by the population. The nutritional element of the adolescents athletes program of training is particularly critical because there are multiple relationships between nutritional deficiencies, growth, and development, sports performance and prevention of injury. Moreover, it would be crucial if the future research could investigate the relationship between the human health and the athletic performance as this will also be critical in evaluating some of the factors which may influence an athlete to use sports supplements.
In a nutshell, although many athletes believe that the use of supplements is secure, legal and efficient, much capacity building is required to educate the entire society on the adverse effects of these sports supplements. Different kinds of literature can be used to provide more knowledge and insights concerning the use of supplements among the athletes. An individual using the sports supplements will always have a competitive edge over his or her competitor as these elements will always improve their physical performance. Supplements can only be used correctly if an individual seeks for physician advice on the recommended product to use which will be safer, efficient and legal.
Williams, M. H. (2004). Dietary supplements and sports performance: introduction and vitamins. Journal of the international society of sports nutrition, 1(2), 1
McDowall, J. A. (2007). Supplement use by young athletes. Journal of sports science & medicine, 6(3), 337.
Petroczi, A., & Naughton, D. P. (2007). Supplement use in sport: is there a potentially dangerous incongruence between rationale and practice?. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 2(1), 4.
Williams, M. (2006). Dietary supplements and sports performance: herbals. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 3(1), 1.
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