This research seeks to establish how teams employ computer-mediated technology to distribute and recycle knowledge in especially in a virtual and inter-organizations team.
To explore the propositions, the research employed longitudinal study of the engineering teams. This is a quasi- experimental design that allows an observer to make repeated observation. The researchers studied team of eight engineers who were expected to give about 15% of their work time to work on three different virtual projects. Knowledge was collected through use of internet Notebook that sent data to a centralized repository.
Data was collected in different phases depending on the phases of the design. The first method is ethnographic observation, used in all 89 one hour conferences. Data was also collected by Panel questionnaire surveys of the eight team members participating in the project. Members also completed weekly diary to establish lesson learned.
Problem result
It was established that members engineering in a distributed team tend to use less computer technology if the task is ambiguous. The data from the questionnaire indicated that computer technology was used for tasks that are more ambiguous since they helped in doing brainstorming. The CT facilitated the shared understanding of the technological issues hence facilitating knowledge transfer among participants.
The quasi experimentation employed in the research is not only time consuming to the researcher but also cannot be conducted over long period due sample attrition. In addition, the issues may change over time.
Knowledge sharing, innovation and firm performance
This research investigated relationship between sharing of knowledge, performance, and innovation. Knowledge is an important resource and is crucial for organizations survival in the competitive environment.
The research review is used to develop a research model that knowledge sharing is proposed to influence organizations performance.
The researchers conducted a survey in china to test the model. The actual data was done through questionnaires. This involved modification the scales to be used in the context of china. They measured explicit knowledge by six items. A sample of 89 high technology firms in Jiangsu was examined. The CEO was mailed a letter and questionnaire.
The result of the confirmatory factors analysis so that the sharing of explicit knowledge on the innovation speed in greater than performance operation. This shows that technology and innovation contributes to sharing of knowledge by organization which has a direct impact on operational performance. Sharing of knowledge contributes to competitive advantage in market.
There is a possibility of common variance method may have been caused by self report data. Secondly, the cross section of data did not allow use of longitudinal study to establish the conceptual framework of the paper. In addition, although empirical model was supported by data, only six constructs were incorporated. There is need for more consequent constructs and antecedent.
Supply chain knowledge management: A literature
This is literature review by Marra and Edwards (2012) who wanted to contribute to knowledge management in the supply chain. The researchers investigated the relationship between knowledge management and supply chain management.
The literature review involved selection of 58 journal articles which were analyzed systematic to establish theoretical models and methodologies used. The journals dated from 2000 to 2010 were sourced from data base of ProQuest and scienceDirect. Supply chain management and knowledge management was the search used to retrieve data.
They established that knowledge sharing between partners provide them with characteristics like agility, alignment and adaptability.
Some issues are still not yet explored like obsolescence of knowledge in the supply chain management. The researchers assumed that key words are perfect and all users share the same understanding of knowledge management.
What drives knowledge sharing in software development teams: A literature review and classification framework?
Ghobadi, 2015 conducted a study to provide a systematic synthesis of the available literature on knowledge sharing drivers within software teams. The literature reviewed was published between 1993 and 2011 based on a classification framework.
Research method
The study employed three methodological phases based on the systematic mapping method. As a result, literatures were categorized so that the data can be analyzed in a structured framework. The methodology of the study was based on literature reviews. The process involved planning of the research, conducting the study and reporting.
The researchers identified how the various studies have been interchanging the concepts of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer. It is important to have the correct definition of the term for effective knowledge management
The study findings are limited to the literatures that were being analyzed. The study encountered the problem of analyzing data collected based on different approaches. There was a problem with validity of data since researchers had no way of verifying the secondary research it was using. Bias was also brought by the researchers who were involved in the collection of articles. There was no clear framework for data collection.
Knowledge transfer, knowledge sharing and knowledge barriersthree blurry terms in KM
The study by Paulin and Kaj (2012), presented a discussion of three terms commonly used in knowledge management discussions. This included, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer and knowledge barrier. The paper aim was to contribute to the body of knowledge by establishing a demarcation between the terms.
The study involves reviewing various literatures on knowledge management with the aim of developing a synthesis of the three terms. A classification of authors definition and use of the terms were analyzed and criticized. The research is structured in a way to illustrate how three terms are used interchangeably and key similarities and differences are shown
The misunderstanding of the terms has contributed to knowledge confusion in the body of knowledge management. There is therefore need to establish boundaries between the terms for effectiveness.
The study does not seem to have a clear methodological structure to guide the study. In addition, the research was a discussion of the terms at the center of knowledge management with the aim of developing clarity of the terms. There is potential risk of validity since the terms are used by the authors without distinctions.
Summary of literature review
No. Reference Problem Method Results Gaps
1 Sowe, S.K., Stamelos, I. and Angelis, L., 2008. Understanding knowledge sharing activities in free/open source software projects: An empirical study. Journal of Systems and Software, 81(3), pp.431-446.
Understanding knowledge sharing activities in free/open source software projects The authors were discussing about knowledge sharing and how its influences the providers and seekers of professional knowledge.
Qualitative method (evaluation of mailing lists)
The researchers analyzed the posting as well as the number of reply lists of the respondents
The researchers established that participants in the project not only interacted but were willing to share their knowledge most of the time.
it failed to recognize the influence in other software projects. It also did not demonstrate the reliability of the Fractal Cubic Distribution as a best enabler in knowledge sharing in software projects.
2 Lin, T.C. and Huang, C.C., 2010. Withholding effort in knowledge contribution: The role of social exchange and social cognitive on project teams. Information & Management, 47(3), pp.188-196. Lin and Huang, (2010, 189) identified the best practices of knowledge sharing between project teams as well as the characteristics of culture that are enacted. The research methodology of the study involved the use of a quantitative study and collection of data based on a case study approach. Research employed the survey method to test the model in collecting data during soft ware development Sharing of knowledge is a result of trust between the members and the members that are unlikely to share their knowledge think that they are underestimated The study assumed that individual members were representing the project teams they were involved with. This might have led to loss of communication as a group
3 Moe, N.B. and Smite, D., 2008. Understanding a lack of trust in Global Software Teams: a multiplecase study. Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 13(3), pp.217-231. Moe and Smite (2008, 218) also conducted a study to examine the knowledge sharing practices and establish how cultural factors influence them global software teams .They wanted to establish the literature review in this topic and come up with a classification framework on what drives knowledge sharing for teams in software development. The study involved multiple case holistic studies that involved investigating one phenomenon in all the selected company. Data was collected through qualitative interviews.
Lack of control of the disbursed teams due to the geographical disbursement makes manager seek to increase control of the remote teams; other causes include lack of language skills, disparity in the work places and undermined morale of the employees.
There was a bias in project C since the data was collected only from the project leader due to inability to access other participants in the project. In addition, although the researchers collected the measured was unevenly distributed.
4 Pee, L.G., Kankanhalli, A. and Kim, H.W., 2010. Knowledge sharing in information systems development: a social interdependence perspective. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 11(10), p.550.
Pee, et al., (2010) were seeking to understand the impact of knowledge sharing in information systems development. They were concerned with knowing the challenges that professionals face when sharing knowledge and proposing an interdependent framework that software professionals should use to harmonize the situation. The study was qualitative in nature. A qualitative method of research was used to develop the associations of the interdependencies created during knowledge sharing for information system development.
They found out that knowledge sharing occurs in groups during the development of information systems. They share the information that helps them in better coordinating business applications and the expertise of IT professionals. Software professionals share knowledge based on the goals, tasks and rewards that they receive from the interdependencies created in the software projects. Knowledge sharing acts as a mediator among the participants. The importance of the study was limited to information system development. Therefore, the results may not be generalized for all other software projects. The researchers did not talk about its implications for software companies or the topic. In addition, the authors did not give areas of recommendation for further research.
5 Choi, S.Y., Lee, H. and Yoo, Y., 2010. The impact of information technology and transactive memory systems on knowledge sharing, application, and team performance: a field study. MIS quarterly, pp.855-870. Choi, Lee, and Yoo, (2010, how investigated knowledge management play a critical role in leveraging resources, organizations have invested heavily on information technology to support knowledge sharing and inform...
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