Referring to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, how did the National Assembly hope to remedy the major causes of the French Revolution in the summer of 1789?
Among the many causes of the French revolution such as the desacralizing of the authority of the monarchy and the Catholic Church. American Revolution war aggravated debts, virulent opposition that Louis XVI faced from provincial parliaments and deregulation of the grain market. The French deficit and the excess of the royal courts that perpetuated the national arrest, debts were the leading cause of the Revolution. Consequently, the king then summoned the Estates-General to form a national assembly, which attempted to resolve the countrys major problem, through deregulation of grain industry and hunger, reforms in taxations as well as transparency. The reforms failed eventually since the issue had become more political. The national assembly composed and collected views and opinions from the existing philosophers and the different government and monarchy officials, which were futile.
The declaration of the right of Citizen and Man was a significant concerned during the French revolution; the assembly believed that neglect, ignorance, or contempt to the right of citizen and man are the core cause of government corruption and public calamities. The main purpose of the assembly upholding the declaration was to remind them of their right and duties and have a standard and incontestable principle that will elevate the supremacy of the constitution and happiness of all. Additionally, the document inspired the constitution by acting as a preamble to the French constitution. The revolution used the leading term of the declaration that stated that men born and remain equal and free in the right. This declaration protected them in their struggle to restore their country France through reform and external assistance.
Louis XVI came in with radical financial reform to help the huge debts accumulated by his predecessors engineered by his ministers Marlesherbes and Turgot. In their first attempt, they angered the nobles who claimed that the king had no such power to levy new taxes on the citizens. Series of efforts to settle the debt even seeking the help from colonies such as Senegal and Tobago failed miserably. Nonetheless, the French government was a little bit relieved and got small enhancement during the American struggle for independence from Britain that their army was rebuilt and financed.
By looking at the Haller's History and the poem, White Man's Burden what were the causes of Imperialism in the 1800s? How did Europeans hope to exploit or use native populations?
Precisely according to the two materials, that is the poem and the Hallers history it is evident that the primary cause of colonization was the quest for political power and economic values. According to Hailers story, he asserts in what he calls Americanization that the primary aim of the Americans, as well as the Europeans, was to find a market overseas for their products. Both the divided achieved this by extending their political power in most parts of the world. Therefore, United States acquired more partners and new market when it becomes the superpower and colonial power in the Philippines, which open its trade to East Asia.
Haller and the poet also assert that imperialism was also a way of spreading patriotism or nationalism. It would be seen as a sense of pride over the enemy to maintain many colonies from the two divides n the cold war era. Imperialism was also recognized by the rival alliances as a manifest of military standpoint to be able to maintain colonies in different parts of the world.
Lastly, the imperialism was also perpetuated by the quest for more land for agriculture and raw material for industries back in the home country as well as extending the influence of their culture away from home. Moreover, owing to the search of more raw material, imperialism also perpetuated brutal treatment to the native population. The native populations, especially in central and eastern Africa, were indulged in forced labor to work in the firms and mine as some from West Africa ferries for the same jobs in America. Furthermore, the colonies not only used the native population as workers in farms and mines but also as slaves in their homes.
The Industrial Revolution had some major effects. Discuss two of the most significant. How did they change lives and peoples' interactions?
The two main positive consequences of the industrial revolution are urbanization and globalization. As a result of the industrial revolution, many big cities emerged all over the world making the majority of people to move to urban settings, acquire employment and improve their living standards. The revolution grew the world economy increasing GDP in different countries, and peoples living standards were developed and made luxurious. The rural-urban migration was perpetuated by the creation of more jobs in the urban centers. As a result, many people moved to cities from across the world and interacted with one another as neighbors and workmates. Nonetheless, interaction and involvement in social amenities at the 60s were cumbersome as workers spent their daylight at work and returned to the house so exhausted. The skilled worker such as the wavers living conditions deteriorated significantly compared to the pre-industrial era. The factories were producing more quality and better products than what the skilled personnel such as the weavers and molders were producing.
Industrial revolution increased global interaction through many technologies or innovations in the transport and communication sectors. The population of the world also grew because of industrialization, and this raises the alarm about issues such as health concern. Telecommunication technology such as the use of telephones improved interconnectedness as the technological advancement in the transport sector such as the invention of aircrafts reducing the distance between centers within the city hence urbanization. The motor technology also enhanced trade and social development within the urban settings. In so doing the different cultures from some parts of the world such as America (Americanization) spread to other countries. Nonetheless, as a result of global interaction congestion issues erupted in the big cities causing public health concern in urban centers. Health concern came about as result of cholera from the effluents of factories back then because cholera was discovered in 1854. The poor working conditions and effluents from the plant also culminated into pollution that is the air pollution, more significant parts of urban, the industrial areas or zones were densely covered with industrial waste that was rising concern of waste management.
4. Referring to the Haller's History of World War I and World War II, discuss two ways in which The Second World War was an outgrowth of the First.
According to Hallers story, the gravity of the lethality or the answer to the question which war was worse fought can be measured based on the period of war engagement, the number, and type of parties involved, as well as the kind of weapons, used. The First World War paved the way for the Second World War in the following ways.
Firstly, after the First World War which was fought between 1914 to 1918 put the countries in a war mood to the extent that the efforts for peacebuilding in 1920 failed. Countries such as the USSR threatening and declaring that war is an instrument of national security and therefore did not agree to the 1925 Locarno conference terms and resolved to acquire that peace on the battlefield.
Secondly, the First World War constituted a landmark in the world history called the great worldwide depression. The economic slump experienced by industrialized countries in Europe America and Asia in 1929 was a blow to the entire world. The world entered into this economic mess because of the cost incurred in carrying out the First World War as well as rebuilding the Western Europe after intense years of fighting together with the Versailles treaty amounted to colossal debt, hence ripening the field for World War II. The many suctions and penalties put on Germany as a perpetrator of the First World War promoted the outbreak of another war since the country not only failed to meet the terms but also refused due to the rise of a dictator Adolf Hitler. The main aim of Hitler was ravage to the enemies of the First World War I. therefore; the Second World War was perpetuated by the happenings of effects of World War I.
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