Physical Educalion Essay on Core Training and Upper Body Training

Published: 2021-06-23
629 words
3 pages
6 min to read
University of California, Santa Barbara
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This article has been written to provide knowledge to coaches intending to better the performance of their sportsmen and sportswomen. According to this article, training the body requires a technical approach that encourages muscle development and fitness over time. This training manual is said to help advice on how to work out various muscles of the body. For instance, core training can involve working on the hips and the abdominal muscles, back muscles and low back muscles among others. The section on core functions provides a description of the anatomy and the functioning of human muscles. It has been argued that strength and conditioning training has changed over the years which have witnessed a shift from the sagittal plane orientation to unilateral and multiplanar training. This change has been catalyzed by the demand of range in motion by various sports such as golf and hockey. Works of Sharman have been given a large priority in explaining how body muscles should be exercised.

The debate at the time of introducing core training in training session has been explained has been explained. Some specialists have proposed the use of core training at the beginning of a session while others prefer it at the end of a session. However, this article has presented the need to use core training during the entire training session. This has proven to help muscles enhance fitness and adapt to the training intensity. Core training can also be worked out basing on a simple workout plan spread across a week. It is advisable to increase the number of sets per session to boost fitness progress. This book goes ahead to provide details of how to details on how each muscle should be exercised to enhance muscle fitness. The book uses both technical and simple terminologies to describe core functions.

I believe that the concept of core training and upper body training is one of the most important considerations of a serious sportsman. The flexibility of the upper body is imperative in enabling swift movements. According to the article, the training approaches changed due to demands from various sports and these demands included the flexibility of the upper body. The unilateral and multiplanar training paid more attention to the upper flexibility as well as fitness. Previous, fitness was given more priority and flexibility ignored.

I concur with the knowledge provided concerning the implementation of core training during the entire training session. As muscles are engaged in a workout, the muscles attempt to adapt to a different magnitude of forces as well as the direction of movement. Core function helps in relaxing the muscles as well as making the core muscles adapt to the exposed challenge. Balancing training is an important factor that every person should consider thus the need to have a trainer. Poor balancing of the body exercise also results to fast development of some muscles as compared to others. This leads to un-proportionate bodies. Professional trainers have the knowledge and expertise to provide the right doses of exercises to enhance the fitness of the entire body.

It is true that the back muscles and the abdominal muscles are important especially when it comes to supporting body posture. While this book puts more emphasis on the upper bore that includes the abdominal muscles and the back muscles, it is also important to train other muscles. The legs are also very important, and this is evident in some described workouts such as the medicinal ball training. It is also important to pay attention to the differences of various sports. Some sports demand a lot of power which require exposing muscles to heavy weights while others require more flexibility, which requires a different approach. For instance, the training of soccer, rugby, hockey and rugby all have different focal points

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