Lillard et al., (2013) wrote the article. They address the positive and negative impact of pretend play on the developmental growth of children. The authors are guided by the research question of Does pretend play has any effect on children?. The theory behind their solution is that the pretend techniques teach the children how to become liars from an early age. The hypothesis of the paper lies on the personality development of the children later in life. Their basic method is on the ability of the child to choose to do the right thing at the right time. The sample they use is large which is representative and inclusive. They conclude the article by stating that indeed the pretend play has a negative effect on the personality development of the child. Parents should therefore take caution and avoid engaging in such activities. They have given suggestions on the best alternatives.
Mash & Wolfe (2012), start their article by stating their problem statement as the underlying issues in the abnormal children, which is an emerging trend among people in the last millennium. Their research question is What are the triggers for abnormality in children? Their theory is that children who go through traumatic events in their children are affected in their developments. The hypothesis of the study is proving that children who have personality, cognitive, or physical development go through struggles as they grow up. They use a small representative sample, which has children from different ages to drive their point. They find that indeed children subjected to abuse in any form have a developmental issue in one area. Therefore, it is important that caregivers and parents consider the environment within which they bring up their children. Fixing the problem depends on the choices made by parents in bringing up the young ones right.
Mogler (2008) is the author of the article. He addresses the developmental areas which adolescents go though as they grow up. The research question for his study is What areas are of concern as an adolescent develops? The theory behind the solution is that people develop in all fronts and must have a conducive environment for that. The hypothesis is on developmental issues, and the effect on the personality of the patient. The basic method of the study is testing the stability of the patient when brought in against when they leave. The author uses a representative sample to present their views. At the end of the article, there is evidence that a patients development in personality, cognitive, and physical slows down due to diseases. The solution suggested is avoiding areas to contract germs and diseases. The article is important to the medical personnel as they advise their patients on the preventive measures.
Schonert-Reichl et al. (2015) are guided by the research question of What ways can teachers enhance the development of children in the school environment?. Medical practitioners argue that since children spend most time in school with their teachers, then the instructors have a big role to play in creating the right environment for their growth. The basic method used on the patients is a comparison between different elementary schools. The sample is valid as it represents the reality on the ground of educational institutions. The authors find that young patients are directly affected by where they spend their time in terms of their development. The findings are a point of concern for the learning institutions and parents. Fixing this problem lies on the changes that will take place at schools to increase mindful-programs that contribute to the development of children.
Siegler (2016) wrote the article. He addresses the problem of change in a patients life and the effect it has on the cognitive development. The research question is What cognitive developments do children go through?. The theory behind their arguments is that diverse cognitive developments affect the growth and health of a child. The basic method they used is comparing perspectives from different medical practitioners. They use a small sample in the study, which might not be inclusive. This has a limitation effect on the patient. At the end of the study, they find that cognitive development is an important stage in the life of a child as it helps in the continuity of life. The information presented in the article is important to every individual as one is connected to children in one way or another. Fixing the problem lies in the commitment and ability of the caregivers to observe the cognitive development changes and abnormalities in the children. They have the responsibility of seeking medical attention.
Thompson (2012) addresses the problem of personality development of children as patients presented in a healthcare institution. The research question guiding the article is What are the pre-conventional developments of a child?. The theory behind this is that children develop in different aspects. Presented to the medical practitioners, it is possible to identify any underlying condition. Thompson uses a representative study to include the interests of children. He finds out that pre-conventional conditions affect the personality of a child directly. Hence, medical personnel should advice the patients presented to them on the way to bring up a healthy child who develops in all areas.
Lillard, A. S., Lerner, M. D., Hopkins, E. J., Dore, R. A., Smith, E. D., & Palmquist, C. M. (2013). The impact of pretend play on children's development: A review of the evidence. Psychological bulletin, 139(1), 1.Mash, E., & Wolfe, D. (2012). Abnormal child psychology. Cengage Learning.
Mogler, C. (2008). Adolescence. The physical, cognitive, social, personality, moral, and faith development of adolescence.Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Oberle, E., Lawlor, M. S., Abbott, D., Thomson, K., Oberlander, T. F., & Diamond, A. (2015). Enhancing cognitive and socialemotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial. Developmental psychology, 51(1), 52.Siegler, R. S. (2016). Continuity and change in the field of cognitive development and in the perspectives of one cognitive developmentalist. Child Development Perspectives, 10(2), 128-133.
Thompson, R. A. (2012). Whither the preconventional child? Toward a lifespan moral development theory. Child Development Perspectives, 6(4), 423-429.
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