Interest groups have significantly played a key role in shaping both political, economic and social life of the country. An interest group is defined as a group of individuals organized to seek influence over the public policy through some form of an attempt to influence government actors. The groups may mask an enormous diversity regarding their interests. Interest groups are formed differently depending on the existing policies of the land. The groups could be private or public interest. The type of group is determined by its objectives that it intends to execute within the society.
The extent of the explosion of interest groups has always been varying among various nations. The inconsistency of the groups emanates from policy domain in a state and the interests represented in states system. Different countries have considerable diversity in the composition of their interest groups. The powers cast on interest groups are not evenly distributed across various states system (Smith et al., 2009). Generally, the rate of growth of interest groups is a society depends on its complexity. Texas has remained significantly above other states regarding the number of interest groups, especially political based groups. There are considerable variations in terms in terms of state economies, strength, and size. The higher the rate of growth of state economies the higher the rate of influx in the number of interest groups. For example, back in 1997, Texas recorded the highest number lobbyists interest groups followed closely by California. States such as Wyoming, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island recorded the lowest number of interests groups (Smith et al., 2009). However, its worth noting that the rate of growth of the number of interest groups could result in depletion of resources that slow down the possibility of new ones. Wealthier states tend to have more interest groups because they can sustain the pressure of providing resources required.
Understanding why Texas remains at the top in terms of participation rate, a detailed research ought to be carried. For the last few decades, United States has recorded a significant rise in the number of interest groups. However, the concentration of the groups was centered in Texas. The theory of disturbance explains that the origin of the many interest groups as being a natural reaction which involves a disruption in society. Simply, the interest groups come from disturbance of political, social, and economic environment to respond to the new need (Smith et al., 2009). Thus, they come up to respond to specific perceived threats.
The broader United States and the Texas constitution provide its citizens with the rights to assemble and forward their grievances to the government either through a speech or written form (Tannahill, 2003). Nonetheless, Texans tend to worry that if the government allows the rise of more powerful interest groups, it may lead to more interest in the private interest groups instead of the broader public interest which the core duty of the government. The state well funds interest groups together with their lobbyists. As a result, the groups are numerous, aggressive and much efficient. Professional groups such and Texas Medical Associations play a significant role in the decision-making by the state. Environmental and civil rights groups operate to give their best because of the funding they get from the state and thus can participate actively in the duties. One of the unique factors in the participation rate of the interest groups in Texas is the funding by the government. Texas being the wealthier states does not strain in the provision of the resources. Political interest groups lobby directly from the government, and in return, they support elected leaders in their campaign trails. The upcoming political affiliated groups are left to demonstrate, and maker appeals to the court for various agitations. Texas campaign finance system gives the established interest groups a very critical and formidable role in the state's politics. All the above factors have resulted in a good participation of the interest groups in political and social activities.
The culture of Texas also plays a significant role imparting the participation rate of the interest groups. Looking back at the complexity of the modern Texas, one can realize that it's not realistic to label the whole state with one quality. Texas is the home the largest population which has a diverse racial and ethnic background. There are also varied economic activities and enormous regional diversity. The complex diversity of social, historical, geographical, and institutional backgrounds defines how Texans think about themselves. Being a Texan has all the best qualities of defining an individual. It means being independent, simple, moralistic, religious, respectful to the authority and inquisitive, and concerned about those who might be ended the wrong direction of life. In todays period, Texas political culture can be summarized in three central ideological tendencies (Tannahill, 2003). These are populism, economic liberalism, and social conservation. The ideologies have anchored their expression in the political culture, which favors low taxes and pro-business policies. Political culture is a shared framework of beliefs and behavior by a group of people related to politics. The culture helps in unfolding the possibilities in politics and therefore prepare for them. Interest groups are thus able to adjust and unite in agitating for a specific claim.
Donovan, T., Mooney, C. Z., & Smith, D. A. (2009). State and local politics: Institutions and reform. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Tannahill, N. R. (2003). Texas government: Policy & politics : election update. New York: Longman.
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