Endodontics is a complex medical area that requires constant monitoring and advancement of the technology used to offer treatment avenues. The use of bioceramics has been one of the greatest achievements in dentistry. The introduction of the biochemical compounds that can easily be incorporated into the rejuvenation process during the treatment in endodontics has been associated with tremendous changes in line with the need for more efficient methods. Although the current methods being adopted have advanced bioceramic compatibility among other properties, the early techniques were less effective and with limited application. However, the introduction of the other chemical efficiencies has improved the rate of flow, setting time, anti-bacterial property, and biocompatibility.
Worth noting is that the existing literature is limited regarding a comparative approach to the changes in the bioceramic technologies used in endodontics. Therefore, this proposal presents the expected assessment of the new and old technologies that have been in use to determine the trend and the justification of the changes. The paper has outlined the design and the method that will be used when conducting the study. The literature review has presented the key properties regarding the bioceramic compound that guarantee the best results in endodontics.
Furthermore, the proposal has regarded the use of meta-analysis as the most appropriate method to presents a critical evaluation of both the old and the new applications with the view of determining the best guidelines that will assist in improving the patient outcomes. Nevertheless, the study could be associated with several methodological limitations. Since the study will be based on previous publications that were carried out using different research methods, the study will be restricted to the findings that had been outlined in selected studies. Therefore, the extent of validity and reliability of this study will also depend on the accuracy of reflection that the search criteria was grounded regarding the topic of the research. However, the comprehensive evaluation that will be carried out will ensure reliable results. Therefore, the study is expected to show that the use of bioceramic in endodontics is associated with significant changes, which have influenced the treatment outcome in endodontics.
Key Word: Bioceramics, Endodontics, Hydroxyapatite, Biochemical, and Osteoinductive
Bioceramics are compounds that are biocompatible and made in different ways to attain the capacity to be incorporated into the human body. The ceramic-based compounds have been adopted in endodontics over the years because of the ability of the compound to be compatible with the body parts that are associated with hydroxyapatite. The similarity in composition and structure enabled bioceramics to be used as a synthetic alternative to medicine. The preparation of bioceramics is one of the crucial discoveries in science, which leads to the formation of different compounds (Jitaru et al., 2016). The hydration process involves the production of hydroxyapatite, which has the chemical property of inducing a response in the human body. The ability to induce bone formation within the interface whenever bioceramics are in contact with the bone is one of the key properties that have led to the widespread application of the compound in endodontics. Moreover, the characteristic of bioceramics that enhances the healing process of bone is embedded in the biochemical nature of absorbing osteoinductive substances within the location (Al-Haddad & Aziz, 2016). Over the years, the use of bioceramics in endodontics has been extensively studied based on the range of application and the increasing level of technology. This paper is a meta-analysis proposal for a study seeking to examine the old and new technology used in this medical discovery.
Background of the Study
The introduction of bioceramics dates back to 1969 when scholars found a new material called the bioglass when discovered that several glass components could be mixed with ceramic to create another compound that could be easily integrated into the human bone. This major revelation became the foundation of the key inventions in endodontics. The range of application in medicine such as in dental reconstruction and bone treatment has emanated from the improvement of the compatibility of the bioceramics (Pushpa et al., 2016). The chemical property of the bioceramics as well as the biological compatibility has encouraged the scientists to enhance their scientific assessments to determine the best methods of addressing the dental and bone problems using the compound. The range of advantages associated with the use of bioceramics has encouraged the widespread availability and application in different medical areas. The introduction of new approaches has been well received because of the level of efficiency based on the extensive scholarly research carried before designing the new techniques.
Worth pointing out is that although the use of bioceramics has been improved through new technology, the number of individuals who are conversant of the application and advantages are limited. The level of sensitization is scarce because of the lack of product availability and affordability. On the other hand, the commercial brands that retail in the market are not familiar to most of the dentists. Moreover, the shift to the treatment of bones and teeth has shown a significant preference and scholars have encouraged dentists to adopt the use of bioceramics while regarding the original tooth as a building block. Such tendencies have contributed to the current awareness among academics and medical practitioners seeking to advance the patient outcome and recurrent diagnostics in endodontics (Koch, Brave, & Nasseh, 2012). Through the advancement of technology, the onset of bioceramics has evolved to include the need for stellar endodontic results that are associated with treatment efficiency and cost minimization. Currently, the focus of bioceramics is in material science where the level of professionalism and the use of technology have been incorporated in the biochemical composition and advantages to provide excellent results for patients and dentists (Pushpa et al., 2016).
Justification of the Research
Over the years, the changes that have been witnessed in the use of bioceramics have been diverse. Scholarly analyses have been carried out to determine the extent to which the method is efficient. Across the globe, scholars have focused on the new approaches and advancements that have been achieved in this field. Little literature exists regarding a comparative assessment of the progress with the view of presenting the sustainable guideline in line with the future needs in endodontics (Jitaru et al., 2016). Therefore, this study will be focused on presenting a critical assessment of the technology to determine the current trends from the perspective of the scholars. Although the proposed study is associated with significant limitations, the major findings of the research will be essential in filling this literature gap of limited analysis. Furthermore, a clear understanding of the key discovery trends will be indispensable in the medical practice because of the need to improve the patient outcome and to reduce the in-hospital period.
Research Questions and Objectives
The study is seeking to unravel the technology trends regarding the application of bioceramics in endodontics. The use of the biochemical compounds that can be embedded into the bone system to facilitate healing and reconstruction has been on the rise across the globe. Studies have been conducted to determine the extent to which the method is efficient based on the shifts in the technologies in endodontics. Although most scholars have examined the level of which the bioceramics have been used, little emphasis has been given on the comparative assessment of the changes in technology and the wide applicability in endodontics. Therefore, the proposed study will involve a critical meta-analysis of the old and new techniques that have been in use in this area. The study will also be dedicated to offering recommendations and guidelines based on future anticipations regarding the application of bioceramics. Such a move will enable the scholars to focus on improving the current technology to fit the demands and changes in dentistry. On the other hand, a critical review of the medical guideline that will provide a comprehensive recommendation will be key to the establishment of an efficient approach to the management of the treatments in endodontics using bioceramics. Therefore, the following is a list of the questions and objectives that will guide this analysis.
OB1: To determine the new and the old technology associated with the use of bioceramics in endodontics.
OB2: To highlight the guidelines and recommendations regarding the use of bioceramics in endodontics in line with the technology trends.
RQ1: What are the essential old and the new technology associated with the use of bioceramics in endodontics?
RQ2: What are the useful guidelines and recommendations regarding the use of bioceramics in endodontics in line with the technology trends?
Literature Review
Over the years, the use of bioceramics has been adopted because of the key properties associated with the biochemical composition. One of the fundamental factors that have formed the widespread application is the issue of biocompatibility. In endodontics, the level of preference is given to compound s that depict the highest characteristic associated with whether they are compatible. Since the compounds used by dentists are implanted to the soft and delicate tissues within a tooth and in most cases involve a contact with the reconstructed surface, it is essential always to consider the property of compatibility. Studies have shown that bioceramics have the highest compatibility level as compared to other commercial sealers in the market (Orstavik, 2005). When the compound is used in endodontics, dentists have reported a significant level of active and proper host response for different canal treatments. Therefore, according to research evaluation, the use of bioceramics have been associated with limited cases of post-treatment inflammation, allergy, irritation, and toxicity (Sun, Wahata, & Hanks, 1997).
On the other hand, the advancements in endodontics have been evaluated in line with the need for a short setting time among patients. Scholars have pointed out how it is essential for the setting time to include adequate working hours. However, cases of short setting time that affects the level of outcome have been linked to the onset of irritation. Such occurrences have encouraged clinical assessments to enhance the results and limit the degree of toxicity. Scholars have estimated a four-hour setting time; however, in some cases, this has been exceeded (Yang & Lu, 2013). Such rare occasions have been linked to the lack of surface moisture in some patients. Worth noting is that the need for efficiency has seen the introdu...
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