Paper Example on Global Governance of the Environment

Published: 2021-07-27
675 words
3 pages
6 min to read
University of California, Santa Barbara
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Aspen Holdings Limited is a South African multinational pharmaceutical company committed to the United Nations global compact initiative. The firm ensures that it operates effectively to meet the ten key principles of the United Nations (Oshionebo, 2009). In their communication on the progress of 2016, Aspen Holdings reaffirms their commitment to supporting the principles of the UN Global Compact. The firm was integrated into the initiative as a business participator on 31st July 2013 and has continuously proved to be a trustworthy partner. Being an international firm, Aspen strives to meet and pass the UN principles on global impact to every region of their operation.

Review of Aspen Holdings COP

The main principles described in the communication on progress include the human right, labor, environmental and anti-corruption policies. The group chief executive officer notes that Aspen Holdings has implemented regional strategies to oversee the implementation of these principles. He reiterates that regional heads of the firm are required to provide a comprehensive report on the state of implementation of these values (Leonard and Gonzalez-Perez, 2015). The firm has also developed social and ethics committees responsible for the oversight of the implementation of the UN global compact values.

Aspen Holdings upholds the principle of humanity and strives to meet all the UN human rights needs. They support and respect all laws that seek to protect human rights (Akhtarkhavari, 2011). In their regional operations, Aspen complies with all UN provisions on human rights.

The firm is strongly aligned to the principle of labor. They recognize the value of their employees and seek to satisfy their employees at all times. They conduct professional recruitment that offers equal chances to the people living in their region of operation to be employed in the firm and eliminate any form of discrimination and child labor. They have eliminated any form of forced labor and allow their employee to join civil unions that protect the rights of all workers of the firm.

The COP also addresses the environmental protection initiatives of Aspen Holdings. In the report, has implemented strategies aimed at protecting the global environment. The safety, quality, and health of the environment is a concern of the firm and has put in place measures that oversee this value (Rasche and Kell, 2010). They monitor the code of conduct of all their suppliers and customers regarding the environment. They have business units and environmental management systems that assess the firms compliance with the principle of environmental safety and quality.

Areas of Improvement

Corruption is a major issue in several parts of the world and more in Africa where Aspen Holdings is located. The company should come up with measures and management systems that will not only help the firm to control the problem but will also assist the authorities in managing the problem. These systems can be used to detect any form of corruption and assist in prosecuting corrupt individuals in the region (Rasche and Kell, 2010). Democracy is also at stake in some parts of the world like Africa. Aspen needs to participate in passing laws that support democracy and eradicate poor leadership such as dictatorship. The firms need to act democratically in choosing their leaders, participate and contribute towards democracy in their region of operation.

Supporting Ideas

COP is a global initiative that needs support from global leaders. The management and leaders of firms need to take part in the implementation of the COP policies (Leonard and Gonzalez-Perez, 2015). Further, once a COP raises an issue or a weakness in a policy, the global community and the UN should do a thorough assessment of the problem with an aim of eradicating it.



Akhtarkhavari, A. (2011). Global Governance of the Environment: Environmental Principles and Change in International Law and Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub.

Leonard, L., & Gonzalez-Perez, M.-A. (2015). Beyond the UN Global Compact: Institutions and regulations. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Oshionebo, E. (2009). Regulating transnational corporations in domestic and international regimes: An African case study. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Rasche, A., & Kell, G. (2010). The United Nations global compact: Achievements, trends and challenges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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