Drug abuse is one of the major problem globally. It is defined as the use of nun medicinal drug for the purpose of gaining personal pleasure. There are so many drugs that are abused across the world. Here I will only focus on the cigarette. The cigarette is one of the substances that is abused across the world. Therefore it is very important to discuss this in public so that its effects and impacts in human life is known. Going by our topic the pronoun she shows that even the female character use cigarette even though it is very common among men. To women, it is very dangerous. Cigarette has no positive effect in human life instead it gives a lot of health issues. Therefore we cannot shy away from mentioning these negative effects. First of all, cigarette cause addiction. This is a state where the users of a drug cannot stop using the drug. Therefore they are forced by the urge to smoke more and more. This has financial issues. Suppose one cannot afford to purchase the yet is addicted, it will force him or her either beg for money to purchase it or sort to stealing. Again instead of saving much of resources will be consumed by the purchase of the substance. Secondly, there are biological problems associated with the taking of cigarette. It causes the damage of human lungs. It does this by blocking the air sacs that aids in the breathing system. This may make the breathing difficult, and eventually, the user may suffer death. Research has it that when smokers reach old age, their vision is not as clear as the way they were before smoking. To add, continuous use of cigarette can expose the use to the risk of getting cancer. There are so many body parts that can be affected by cancer due to excessive smoking. These include mouth, lips, throat, tongue, bladder and lungs. As always cancer is one of the dangerous diseases that contribute to the mortality rate across the world.
The worst of it all is when a woman is involved in the act. Women are known to be very productive regarding recreation. A woman that takes cigarette has the risk of destroying her ability to give birth. This is because tobacco from the cigarette is very toxic and can destroy the uterus of the mother. Lastly, smokers contribute to environmental degradation. As a result, partial smokers suffer much because they take it from the environment.
The research has proven that the major promoter of any drug abuse is peer pressure. The majority of drug users starts this at the youthful stage. I chose this topic because it as a youth it can relate to my life. First I relate with so many of my fellow youths. Most of them are users of cigarette, and I can be a victim of substance. Therefore if I can stand out and create awareness to the public, it can help a great deal. In conclusion, cigarette smoking is very dangerous. This is because of the negative effects that are outline above. I, therefore, urge users that if possible they should stop. If they have reached the point of addiction, they should consult health officers for guidance and cancel. One thing they should know is that many that were addicted have stopped. So it is possible for an addicted person to stop smoking.
("Alison Knopf,Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weeklyeditor, winner of NAATP journalism award", 2016)
Knopf, A. (2015). Voices from the Rx drug abuse summit. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly, 27(15), 3-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adaw.30150
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