Healthcare organizations are usually affected by the four organizational cultural types; competing markets, hierarchical control, collaboration and adhocracy or creation. The first dysfunctional behavior that affects healthcare organization is the hierarchical control in nursing field (Tharp, 2009). Even though hierarchical leadership is sometimes important in organizational structure, in nursing, the aspect of hierarchical leadership should be carried out with consideration since the nursing profession is a sensitive area that does not necessarily need hierarchical leadership.
It is obvious that without leadership then the chain of service will stagnate in one way or another and may cause a mess. The kind of leadership carried out in the discipline of nursing profession especially in labor and delivery should be unique in the manner that the leaders should be enthusiastic to the colleagues so as not to provoke them during the service delivery at such a crucial and delicate situation. The colleges should be treated with compassion since their service to the patient requires a high level of comfort and compassion as a primary component of their service (Beck, 2015). Therefore, there should be moderate kind of leadership that ensures compassion as an atmosphere of the process.
The second dysfunction in healthcare is adhocracy. In applying middle-range theory, the creation of concepts through concept synthesis, the relationship between the ideas about setting up the hypothetical model, the setting hypothesis that aims at verifying the concepts and the hypothetical test model and lastly, the verification and presentation of the theory (Swanson, 1991)). The ramification for this dysfunction is through enhancing flexibility and adaptability.
The third dysfunction is the dominant and sub-dominant culture types. In this situation, the cultures and subcultures in an organization call upon a well-structured and flexible leadership. For that case, it is important for healthcare to include organizational cultures are incorporated to enhance categorization and understanding.
Toxic Workplace Cultures and their Ramifications
According to Swanson, the aspect of caring should therefore, consider the moral values of the patients to avoid harming their beliefs and well-being. Caring in the nursing practice should consider a well-managed contextual practice to safeguard the comfort and feeling of the patient after a therapeutic approach. Swanson (1991, p.162) outlines that nurturing a person should aim at nurturing a patient to meet their personal achievements that while meeting the nurses personal sense of responsibility and commitment.
New Technology Principles and Theory application in Healthcare
Citing Beglers (2010, p. 529) article, nurses are the most expected individuals to ensure prime advocacy for all the patients in their jurisdiction and the population they care for. Quoting Beglers (2010, p. 529), successful advocacy among the nurses depends on courage, compassion, the aspect of care, commitment and empowering the clients and colleges. Moreover, the aspect of advocacy and nursing attributes requires intuitive skills and a succedent empathy towards dealing with patients (Beglers, 2010, p. 529).
Begley, A. (2010). On being a good nurse: Reflections on the past and preparing for the future. International Journal of Nursing Pracrice, pp. 525-532 Vol 16.
Beck, C. T. (2015). Middle range theory of traumatic childbirth: The ever-widening ripple effect. Global qualitative nursing research, 2, 2333393615575313.
Smith, M. C., Turkel, M. C., & Wolf, Z. R. (Eds.). (2013). Caring in nursing classics: An essential resource. Springer Publishing Company.
Swanson, K. (1991). Empirical Development of a Middle Range Theory of Caring. Nursing Research, 40(3).Tharp, B. M. (2009). Four organizational culture types. Organizational Culture White Papper.
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