The role of a tech specialist varies extensively depending on the field and organization. Tech specialists provide technical assistance to individual users or entire businesses. In most cases, they have to troubleshoot errors and to develop solutions to existing and potential problems which may cause downtimes (Computer Support Specialist Career and Salary). Also, the roles of tech specialists are highly variable (Computer Support Specialist Career and Salary). My passion for technology, my desire to make a difference in society, to get adequately compensated, and to work in a creative field push me to believe that I will have a successful career as a tech specialist.
My passion for technology is the leading factor that compelled me to choose to look for a career as a tech specialist. As a child, I found myself toying around with my fathers transistor radio trying to figure out how it worked. When it finally broke down, I took it apart, fidgeted with the components and finally got it to work again. The reaction on my fathers face when I told him that I had fixed it, was one of pride and awe. I remember that one of the happiest days of my life was when my father bought our first home computer. It was an iMac. It was one of the most gorgeous pieces of technology I had ever seen at that time. The see-through back cover was different from other computers. Soon after, I found myself staying up late going through how-to tutorials using our old dial-up internet. Every time I learned something new about the computer and how to operate it, I became even more interested in technology. Thus, being a tech specialist provides me with the opportunity to pursue my passion of technology while at the same time being compensated for it. I like to think of a tech specialist career as being paid to do what I love.
Additionally, I look forward to working in an environment where I can make a notable contribution to my surroundings and society as a whole. I believe that working as a technology specialist can accord me with such openings. Computing is important in the field of research. It helps scientists and scholars to collate and interpret data using various software (The Use of Computers in Science). By pursuing a career as a tech specialist, I can aid different agencies or individuals in making a difference to society by giving them information systems solutions. Other contributions I can make by pursuing a job as a technology specialist include helping in the fight against cybercrime by advising people and organizations on how best to protect themselves against breaches and how to address vulnerabilities.
When choosing my desired line of work, one of the primary considerations I made is whether the jobs skills will make me marketable and well-compensated. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salaries for individuals working in the computer and information technology sector ranges from 52,000 dollars each year up to 111,840 dollars for those with post-graduate academic credentials (Computer Support Specialists). Furthermore, the job outlook for the period between 2014 and 2024 shows that the tech specialist job market is estimated to grow at a rate of 12 percent each year (Computer Support Specialists). Notably, this is higher than the national average. This highlights the importance of tech specialists in the current and future job markets. The annual job growth rate combined with an adequate median compensation convinces me that by choosing a job as a tech specialist, I will have a financially satisfying job.
I also seek a career where I will have the opportunity to be creative. I enjoy working in an environment where I have to develop and build solutions to various issues. Tech specialists are required to offer IT related solutions (Wickes). Tech experts have a variety of skillsets that allow them to have a holistic perspective of problems. For instance, one has to understand web design and programming languages. Such abilities give me an almost endless scope of what I can do with a computer. For instance, if an organization needs a new security system, I get the opportunity to be part of the team that is coming up with the solution whether it is in-house or through searching for outsourcing options. Also, as a tech specialist, I will have the chance to develop my technology solutions for commercial or mass market use. For instance, through the use of mobile phone applications. As such, the flexibility and opportunity in the tech specialist field convince me that I can have room to develop my creativity.
My passion for technology, my desire to make a difference in society, to get adequately compensated, and to work in a creative field push me to believe that I will have a successful career as a tech specialist. My passion for technology is something that I have since I was a child, and it has never waned. Tech specialists are also relevant in the fight against cybercrime and research. Additionally, the job growth and compensation statistics are attractive. Aside from that, being a tech specialist gives me the chance to work in a field with almost limitless opportunities which allow me to be creative.
Work Cited
"Computer Support Specialist Career and Salary Profile". Florida Tech Online. N.p., 2017. Web. 30 June 2017.
Computer Support Specialists. Bureau of Labor Statistics. N.p., 2017. Web. 30 June 2017.
The Use of Computers in Science Education. National Science Teachers Association. N.p., 2010. Web. 30 June 2017.
Wikes, Megan. Understanding the Role of an Information Systems Specialist. California College San Diego. N.p., 2012. Web. 30 June 2017.
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