Order in the classroom refers to the state when classroom lessons go on as planned despite undisciplined and disruptive behavior by certain students (Thorkelson, 2008). For many teachers, it is not easy to maintain order in the classroom. In worse scenarios, teachers even quit the profession citing frustration in the classroom by some students. There are myriad ways in which a teacher can achieve order among the students. Promoting a positive environment is the first step a teacher ought to take to curb the issue of disorder and maintain discipline in the classroom (Unruh, 20017). This level of management puts focus on instruction in the social curriculum. This simply means reminding students of expectations and classroom rules. Effective classroom management is grounded on a set of skills that can easily be learned by the student. Often, new teachers subscribe to the thought that managing a classroom efficiently is an inherent trait. In contrast, it is possible to acquire the necessary skills for a teacher to manage their students in the most effective manner. Students often tend to be testing new teachers expecting that they would pass the test. Effective classroom administration provides a teacher with mechanisms and tactics for proactively establishing expectation and order, effectively using disciplinary hierarchy, enlisting the support of parents, as well as addressing transgressions. Coming up with a positive tone is designed majorly to evade issues and troubles before engaging punishment like suspension. It is important that the teacher stays focused on and united with students in the class. When some students show some form of misbehavior, isolating the errant student is the best thing to do rather than isolating yourself. Besides, praise is one powerful tool a teacher should always strive to incorporate during classroom processions. It works to positively uplift the class and transform the image of students who have been branded as errant before. Eventually, it the values that the teacher seeks to promote among the students.
Also, addressing students who are at a risk of indulging in indiscipline and disorderly behavior is another key aspect of maintaining classroom order. In the early years of school, teachers can easily point out children who may seem to be heading for trouble. Teachers can, therefore, identify in good time the various sources of possible disruption and disorderliness in the classroom and make an effort at short-circuiting such problems. The final level is managing the disruptions. This majorly targets the students who have already disrupted or attempted to disrupt peaceful classroom processions.
Teachers who encounter such kind of problems should carry out a functional behavior assessment before coming up with an individualized intervention to prevent the occurrence of such behavior again. The importance of classroom discipline can be understood by multiple faces such as social perspective as well as feasible teaching stand (Unruh, 20017). To begin with, on the social face, the various strategies teachers employee to ensure discipline on their students has been advocated for as an indefatigable force in promoting the sense of responsibility for students in the classroom environment. Moreover, the discipline strategies have become invaluable in bringing up responsible citizens out of young boys and girls. Studies on effective research have also revealed that a considerable degree of discipline in the classroom is a requirement in creating a conducive learning environment to students since unbearable students behavior is a key distractor to the smooth process not only of teaching but for learning as well (Unruh, 20017). Even worse, indiscipline among students in the classroom can ruin the success of the most prudently planned lessons. The topic is especially important to me since classroom order is central when it comes to creating a positive learning atmosphere.in carrying out the research, I used the methods of observation, peer-reviewed research articles, and self-experience. During my observation sessions, I was able to access the students and situations where it was impossible to use questionnaires and interviews. This gave me an in-depth understanding of the subject of focus thus putting me in a position to explaining context and meaning. Personal experience, on the other hand, ensured my flow of thoughts and meanings and helping me to bring them to the immediate situation. Also, I opted for peer-reviewed journals because they gave me different perspectives on the subject which was invaluable to my research manuscript. It is, therefore, proper to pore through the various ways of maintaining order and discipline in the classroom as well as the benefits it brings with it to the student and the teacher.
The increasing incidence, and to a great extent, disrespectful behavior of children in classrooms especially during class hours in close to every part of the world has demanded attention. This extensive research is geared at digging up the sources of such behaviors and coming up with foundations to educate teachers who can appropriately handle students in their classes through embracing and applying suitable discipline strategies. The management style and the behavior of the teacher attach a distinctive importance to the subject. This is because the intervention techniques and methods that teachers employ to manage students in the classroom are seen to be the sign of their professional competence by their students as well as a critical learning motivator. A learning environment that is conducive and non-threatening is important in developing a sense of belonging among students aside from making them self-confident and self-initiated thereby ultimately increasing their desire for learning (Thorkelson, 2008). Contrariwise, learning is most affected the moment teachers adopt discipline strategies that are punitive and more psychosomatic objections are heard in the classroom. The matter often obfuscates the role of teachers in the classroom and leads to difficulty in dealing with recurrent behavior problems which is one of the major sources of job stress.
Classroom management mainly raises concerns in the lower grades and is among the most significant challenges facing teachers during the process of teaching. On the one hand, a teacher gives his best in giving the care to allow for the genuine communication in class. On the other hand, for the teacher to give instructions, they have to ensure order to manage to learn most efficiently. Therefore, it is not easy for the teacher to create a proper learning atmosphere where a caring environment and a controlled atmosphere balance (Thorkelson, 2008). Furthermore, it is considered that the caring behavior of teachers counts as the most critical environmental factors that assist the learners in creating a positive attitude towards learning and thus promoting the effort of the student. Therefore, maintaining law and order research puts a substantial emphasis role of teachers in bringing law and order in the classroom. However, it is not yet clear if the discipline strategies of teachers have a significant effect on the effectiveness of their teaching and the students achievement in learning (Unruh, 20017). The objective of the present research is thus threefold: first, the various strategies teachers employ while disciplining errant children in classes, second, the general connection between these approaches and the effectiveness of teachers, and the achievement of the learning objective. The research was drawn from observations, personal experience, peer-reviewed journals, as well as various academic publications.
The results of the research mainly showed that teachers commonly employ productive discipline strategies like reward or recognition, discussion, and involvement. For instance, in my observation on coach smith's class, the teacher involved the children in the review of the 10 minutes CNN video that they had watched a few minutes before. He asks them about what they thought about the video before letting them make a religion chart as part of the class. Besides, the teacher was moving around observing each student and offering assistance to whoever needed it. Coach Smith mentioned to me that he would scrap and replace the assignment with another one whenever he noticed that there were many confused faces. This gives the implication that the coach is a non-authoritarian and does not incorporate strategies like punishment and aggression during a class procession.
The finding validates some studies on the strategies of teachers' classroom management illuminating the fact that whereas the teachers are apt interventionists in the management of instructions and students, they are, in a real sense, integrationists in the management of student behavior (Taylor, 2010). Therefore, teachers can be seen as a little more controlling when it comes to the structuring of daily routines, observing their relationships with the children managing the various learning tasks in the classroom, establishing the structure of a reward, or even setting the rules of engagement in the classroom. However, they are actually less controlling and more liberal. A caring teacher is one who sets the atmosphere ready the daily tasks that require enough communication, interaction as well as cooperation not only among the students but also between the teacher and the students (Thorkelson, 2008). As such, the classroom management for teachers is one of the best means to effective instructions aside from being a tool for providing the children with increased interpersonal communication skills and a sense of community. This finding, nevertheless, disputes the notion that some teachers adopt reactive discipline and authoritarianism strategies to maintain control of their classes.
At ball high school sports school district, the kids, especially the ones who were learning English but were not very proficient in it were encouraged by their teacher to speak English during class hours. The kids felt encouraged and strived not to break the rules. This finding is very promising. Certain research works indicate that such kind of motivation is popular among EFL learners positive outlook towards the English language as well as the importance of becoming proficient with the English language as the language of technology and science (Nelsen, Lott & Glenn, n.d.). Nevertheless, many factors have been found to demoralize students learning language one being inadequate facilities.
Analyzing the relationship between the study variables further reveal that the teachers who employed the strategies of involvement and recognition were alleged to be more effective compared to their counterparts who did not. In their classes, the students were more attentive and seemed to participate in the lesson wholesomely. From my own experience, my teacher in ninth grade often had trouble bringing the class to order because she did not recognize the efforts of those who of who completed their assignments in time and those who got most of the questions right. We compared her to other teachers who would recognize our efforts in class. The result was that some students stopped doing their homework in time aside from talking with their friends in class to indicate discontent with the particular teacher. The teacher resorted to using aggression which made the situation even worse. It reached a point where students could not succumb to aggression and often rudely answered the teacher. That was an indicator that students would rather have a teacher who is more caring and involving in their lessons and who are more supportive when it comes to ensuring discipline in the class. I observed that the teacher in ball high school gave opt...
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