Life of the Mind and Meaning
We cannot deny the vibrancy and the passion that Fahrenheit 451 spoke of which still haunts and vexes. The content is worth contemplation particularly with regards to the literary imagination and the issues that it teaches concerning the past, the present, and the future imagined (Smolla, Rodney A).
The Future is not what it used to be is classical novel and a time marker for cultural events that helps the audience or the reader to find their pasts, evaluate the present after locating the past, and then focus on the imagination of the future. The 451 Fahrenheit happens to be the temperature, according to Bradbury, that books burn. Politically, this concept demonstrates the particular temperature in which freedom bums. Through the content of this novel, we realize that the power of endurance is worth being contemplated (Smolla, Rodney A). The contemplation worthiness is in line with the literary meaning concerning Ray Bradbury's imagination and the power of teachings from the recent past, the present, and all through to what could be imagined of the future. The initial concern is about the leaps taken by the first amendment jurisprudence through the time that Fahrenheit 451 was first published in the time when the Society of America managed to avoid censorship horrors that are described in the novel. It is also very unfortunate that most of the modernity demons that Bradbury revealed have not been overcome. The issue is that we are quite overwhelmed by the frenetic speed and the appeal relating to digital and virtual realities that we have neglected how genuine human relationships are. Humans have then rushed beyond sensory and physical moments which solicit substance to what we are. We are therefore struggling to apprehend accurate reflections quietude through peace and mind life (Smolla, Rodney A).
Also, by considering A Tale of Apocalypse and Redemption, we realize that novel uses the central characters point of view. According to the book, the bombers will always be in the air which always makes firefighters be on the alert. Fahrenheit 451s firemen are not purposed to put out fires but on the contrary, set them ablaze (Smolla, Rodney A). The homes are fire proof which makes the open fire to get used for burning books banished by the society. The books have been viewed as contrabands like counterfeit currency as quoted, burn 'em to ashes (p. 8). In connection to that, Past and Our Future talks of censorship. Fahrenheit 451 speaks of his experience piecemeal censorship. The book has been particularly in schools (Smolla, Rodney A).
It is realized that Fahrenheit 451 doesnt give any particular explanation concerning the reason as to why books get burned in the future. On the contrary, there is a suggestion regarding different factors that could lead to such a result. The factors are categorized into two broad groups (Michigan, L.R). One is concerned with factors leading to reduced reading interest while the other factors are concerned with making individuals hostile to books. However, the book is not distinguishing the developments of the factors. The two factors also happen to support each other. The initial group of factors includes how much popular forms of competition like those of entertainment had become. Also, Bradbury is in the agreement that fast cars, advertisements, and loud music lead to too much stimulation within the current lifestyle. Such simulation reduces the time that one requires to concentrate. Also, there is a large mass of material that is published (Michigan, L.R). Such material is very overwhelming and therefore leads to a situation where reading books which are condensed are adored instead of any other thing in the society. By providing a solution towards such a situation, Fahrenheit 451 shows how Bradbury happens to be hypersensitive to whatever situation that would wish to restrict him from speaking freely. He vehemently condemns letters that suggest that he should revise the manner in which his black or female characters are treated (Michigan, L.R).
Ignorance versus Knowledge
Three characters, Faber, Montag, and Beatty, happen to be struggling to ensure that they resolve issues about tension the that exist between ignorance and knowledge. However, there exists the fireman that is obligated to destroy knowledge but promote ignorance on the contrary. Such activity is to ensure that the population is equalized in a manner that sameness is promoted. From the encounters of Montag and Clarisse, the spark of doubt in him gets ignited concerning the firemans approach. The knowledge search ultimately destroys the ignorance the character shared with everyone else. In the end, he happens to be battling basic societal beliefs (Fahrenheit 451).
In Fahrenheit 451, there are some concepts that show religious references. For instance, Mildreds friend happens to be reminding Montag about the icons that he had seen in a church yet didnt understand. That particular language used to describe the painted artifacts features seen by Montag resembles the language used to describe the permanent smiles of the firemen. Another character, Faber, happens to be invoking forgiveness as a Christian value. This is seen by the time that Montag is against the societal beliefs. Faber then reminds him that because he once was a Christian, he ought to show pity instead of fury. Within the traditions of Christianity, the word fire means several things. One is the blaze that the golden calf came to be made in contrast to the burning bush of Moses (Fahrenheit 451). Such fire symbolized the divine presence and also blatant heresy. In contrast to the book, fire happens to be having a contradictory meaning. Initially, within the book, fire is the vessel encouraging a more restrictive society. However, Montag uses it on his oppressor as a way of burning out Beatty to guarantee his freedom (Fahrenheit 451).
The Hearth and the Salamander
This is a conjunction used by Bradbury as Fahrenheit 451s first heading. The hearth, also known as the fireplace, is a symbol for home in the traditional setting. Also, the salamander is a symbol for firemen or a name the firemen give to fire trucks they use. In both cases, the symbols are attached to fire which happens to be Montags image of dominant life. Such is so because the hearth contains the fire which in turn heats a home while the salamander is not affected by flames due to the traditional set of beliefs that they habitat the fire.
The 451 Fahrenheit happens to be the temperature, according to Bradbury, that books burn. Politically, this concept demonstrates the particular temperature in which freedom bums. Through the content of this novel, we realize that the power of endurance is worth being contemplated (Smolla, Rodney A). The contemplation worthiness is in line with the literary meaning concerning Ray Bradbury's imagination and the power of teachings from the recent past, the present, and all through to what could be imagined of the future. According to the book, the bombers will always be in the air which always makes firemen be on the alert. Fahrenheit 451s firemen are not purposed to put out fires but on the contrary, set them ablaze (Smolla, Rodney A). The homes are fire proof which makes the available fire to get used for burning books banished by the society.
In the book, there is a suggestion regarding different factors that could lead reading dislike and the burning of books. The factors are categorized into two broad groups. One is concerned with factors leading to reduced reading interest while the other factors are concerned with making individuals hostile to books. However, the book is not distinguishing the developments of the factors. The two factors also happen to support each other. The initial group of factors includes how much popular forms of competition like those of entertainment had become.
Fahrenheit 451 also talks about ignorance and knowledge by considering three characters, Faber, Montag, and Beatty (ATASOY, Emrah). These characters happen to be struggling to ensure that they resolve issues about tension the that exist between ignorance and knowledge. However, there exists the fireman that is obligated to destroy knowledge but promote ignorance on the contrary. Such activity is to ensure that the population is equalized in a manner that sameness is promoted.
Considering the concept of Christianity in Fahrenheit 451, there are some concepts that show religious references. For instance, Mildreds friend happens to be reminding Montag about the icons that he had seen in a church yet didnt understand (ATASOY, Emrah).
Work Cited
Smolla, Rodney A. "The Life Of The Mind And A Life Of Meaning: Reflections On Fahrenh" By Rodney A. Smolla". Repository.Law.Umich.Edu, 2009, http://repository.law.umich.edu/mlr/vol107/iss6/2/.
Rodney A., Smolla. "THE LIFE OF THE MIND AND A LIFE OF MEANING: REFLECTIONS ON FAHRENHEIT 451". Connection.Ebscohost.Com, 2009, http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/book-reviews/38024735/life-mind-life-meaning-reflections-fahrenheit-451.
Michigan, Law Review. "The Life Of The Mind And A Life Of Meaning: Reflections On "Fahrenheit 451" On JSTOR." Jstor.Org, 2009, https://www.jstor.org/stable/40379842.
"Fahrenheit 451 - Symbolism Essay". Bartleby.Com, 2017, https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Fahrenheit-451-Symbolism-P3C552FYTJ.
ATASOY, Emrah. "IMPEDIMENT TO KNOWLEDGE AND IMAGINATION IN RAY BRADBURYS FAHRENHEIT 451". 2015, http://dergiler.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/26/2006/20943.pdf.
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