The immigration problem is one of the issues that most governments may find it hard to address. Especially regarding the labor market since the issue brings about the idea of multifaceted economic and social dimensions (Lakoff and Sam 210). The reason for this is that the newcomers introduce different customs, cultures, and traditions that may not favor work environment. Immigration has therefore been seen to contribute to the fact that economic growth is lagging in most nations. For this reason, governments have looked for the various ways of mitigating from the issue (Kim et al. 300). This research paper is aimed at discussing some concrete examples of solutions to the problem of immigration. Even though the issue can be seen to cause several significant problems, it is a problem that can be mitigated in several ways as long as the reasons for the problem are well understood.
Immigration involves the entrance of a foreigner to a country to settle there permanently. This action may bring with it either positive or negative impact on the economy of the nation (Lakoff and Sam 214). Given the nature of the possible negative consequences, the process of finding the best solutions to the problem is a big one. Simple ideological solutions such as not employing immigrants or focusing on the security of the borders cannot be expected to bear good results. Also, even if a law is passed concerning the fundamental contradictions of the status quo, it is still not confident that the best results will be achieved. The best way is to come up with solutions that allow for thinking through all the available incentives (Kim et al. 306).
The best way to address the problem of immigration is having a clear understanding of the history of immigration (Gest 262). Going back to the basics, one can find out the various causes of immigration that can be addressed so as to reduce the problem. The two concrete examples of solutions to the issue of immigration are as discussed below.
Enhanced Long-Term Economic Development in the Countries the Immigrants Are Fleeing
Immigration is mainly as a result of people seeking better places regarding job security. One of the concrete examples of solutions to the issue is to create job opportunities in the low-income countries (Wadhia 5). This job creation can be done by the countries that receive immigrants through increasing support offered to the home countries of the immigrants. This increased support will enhance economic development which will, in turn, lead to the generation of more organizations that need workers thus the increased availability of employment opportunities. The availability of additional job opportunities in these countries will make migration choice rather than the only option. The idea will also place the economic development of the countries in better positions. These achievements will reduce the level of immigration in the developed countries. Thus the issue will be eventually solved (Giordani, Paol and Michele 930).
Most individuals migrate to developed countries in search of higher living standards and to escape the environmental degradation in their home nations. Promoting sustainable development in countries that have large-scale emigration is a good response to this. When individuals are assured of a viable future for them and their children, they will want to remain in their countries rather than migrate. Sustainable development also means increased resource availability of the generations to come. This fact will ensure that every individual gets what they need to use so as to earn their living hence increased living standards. Achieving sustainable development will reduce the number of immigrants to more developed countries such as the United States and Europe since the immigrants can get what they want in their homelands (Gest 263).
Ending of Wars and Peace Building
War is among the main reasons for immigration since individuals migrate to peaceful countries to seek asylum. The main solution to this is to end the conflicts that are causing millions of individuals to currently flee their home countries. The examples of countries that citizens are fleeing to seek refuge in the United States and Europe are Africa, Central America, and the Middle East. Ending the conflict operations in these regions will reduce the number of people displaced and the refugee flow immediately. For instance, addressing the issue of drug wars in the Latin America will save lives and give the Central Americans a chance to live peacefully in their nations (Gest 270).
Since an end of fighting does not necessarily mean that a conflict is over, the process of creating peace agreements can be put in place to ensure peace between the conflicting parties. Both parties should be involved in this process so as to implement the peace building mission in good faith. It is also possible for a conflict to reignite even after the peace building missions. Because of this, there is the need to ease the tensions among the victims as well as bring justice and strengthen the rule of law. These bring achieved will enable the individuals living in the regions affected by conflict to live without fear that could have forced them to migrate to more peaceful areas. In this way, they problem of immigration will be reduced effectively (Spalding, Matthew, Jessica and James 130).
The problem of immigration can also be reduced through conflict prevention. Although it has been discussed above that conflict resolution is among the best concrete ways of reducing immigration, conflict prevention is also emphasized since it deals with the issue before its onset. The parties having a dispute can seek the help of a neutral third party to aid a dialogue that will keep the tensions of the conflict from causing a violent war. In this way, the wars will be prevented thus the people will be able to live in peace. This achievement is effective in reducing migration levels since it completely does away with war which is among the main causes of immigration.
In conclusion, immigration can bring with it various problems into a country. The truth is that the problems can be mitigated through reducing immigration and creating avenues of solving the problems it causes (Gest 274). Reducing immigration can be done successfully when the history of the immigration is well known. This idea is right because knowing the history well will enhance the understanding of the causes, thus will be addressed so as to reduce the issue. Also, various governments will be able to employ the most efficient solutions since they have the best knowledge about the problem. Addressing the causes by the use of appropriate methods will make the issue of immigration be reduced or done away with completely.
Works Cited
Gest, Justin, et al. "Measuring and comparing immigration, asylum and naturalization policies across countries: Challenges and solutions." Global Policy 5.3 (2014): 261-274.
Giordani, Paolo E., and Michele Ruta. "The immigration policy puzzle." Review of International Economics 19.5 (2011): 922-935.
Kim, Sei-hill, et al. "The view of the border: News framing of the definition, causes, and solutions to illegal immigration." Mass Communication and Society 14.3 (2011): 292-314.
Lakoff, George, and Sam Ferguson. "The framing of immigration." (2017).
Spalding, Matthew, Jessica Zuckerman, and James Jay Carafano. "Immigration reform needs problem-solving approach, not comprehensive legislation." Washington (DC): Heritage Foundation (2013).
Wadhia, Shoba Sivaprasad. "Immigration remarks for the 10th annual Wiley A. Branton symposium." (2014).
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