In life, most people believe there is specialization including in the human body, where small bits of work are done by specific parts independently. The art of expertise leads to the thought that the mind, body, and emotions can be separated and treated as different organs that function independently. However, the truth is that all aspects of human being work together in totality and interdependent. The thought one has in mind produces a direct effect on the emotions and body functions of that particular person. The mind affects the body functioning, emotions and leads to a direct connection with the soul or the life force energy. The relationship between the factors in the human life can be demonstrated in several ways and leads to a different reaction on individuals depending on the initial thought in mind. Different perceptions of things from the mind result in the body producing different hormones that relate to the particular incidence such as fear and happiness. The hormones generated by the body leads to various emotions that reflect the thought in mind. In return, the life force energy has a direct relationship with what the mind and body comprehend. A discussion of how the mind affects the body and emotions and the connection with the soul is widely discussed in this paper.
The brain interprets life events and sends a message to the body of what it has perceived. It stimulates the body to react in response to what has been seen at a particular time. The duration within which an event is interpreted and the responses produced as a result is usually short such that one cannot notice. The response looks so natural that one may not readily identify the interconnection between the mind and the body. Once the mind sends a message to the body, it reacts in response to the particular message and emotions towards the activity are generated. For example, when one receives shocking news such as a death of a close friend or relative, the mind perceives the story. Then a message is sent the body that produces hormones, and a bad feeling is generated. The person turns sad and depressed (Kohrt, & Harper, 2008, p. 463). Regardless of the previous mood before the news, the person becomes pale, profoundly sad and totally disturbed. Emotionally, they become bitter and have a bad feeling in all what they were doing. In a case of the person was doing work that needed concentration and a lot of energy, they lose focus and may not have the energy to work anymore at that particular time. The response of the body to the message send shows that there is a connection between the mind, body, and emotions. If there were no connection, the body functioning and emotion would not lead to change in the way one was behaving when receives different news (Kohrt, & Harper, 2008, p. 486). On the other hand, it is not only when the mind gets a reception of events that are negative that lead to an immediate response of the body, and the changes in emotions. In events of good news, ones mood changes immediately upon receiving the message feelings reflect the perceived information. For example, when one wins a lottery or any windfall prize, they become happy on receipt of the report. They gain an extra motivation to finish whatever they were doing to go and get their present at the earliest time possible.
When one experiences a prolonged perception of mind, the body health is affected. For example, when one lives with the thought of the death of a close family member, either a parent or sibling for a long time, they may develop a mental problem (Kohrt, & Harper, 2008, p. 463). One may develop internalization problem, remain sad and depressed for long and prefer to stay alone. If they do not get assistance on how to overcome the deep thought about the loss experienced, they may develop high blood pressure problems, lack of appetite and general body weight loss. The reason for the body changes is because of the extended state of mind. If such a person sees a psychologist shortly after death, they assist them to change their thought, and their mood and emotions changes and they avoid being having internalization disorder. On top of that, they avoid having body issues such as the high blood pressure and other diseases that are associated with the depression. Helping solve the problems that one may develop after having a saddening occurrence by managing the thought in ones mind shows that the body is affected by the mind and they are interconnected. Doctors and other physicians giving health care advice recommend controlled breaking of news to some patients, such as those having heart disorders. Some of the news that they strongly recommend that they must be given in a moderate way are those affect someone emotionally either way by making them extremely happy or sad. For example, doctors recommend that a person who is receiving nursing care while at home and is suffering from heart disease should not be given news about something like great results in an exam of a family member without preparing them slowly psychologically. The instant breaking of the communication can lead to a death of the person because the exciting news may cause their blood pressure to become higher and can result in death. The recognition of the effect of the announcement clearly shows that the physicians as well recognize that there is reciprocity between the mind, body, and emotions of a person.
The life-force energy nourishes individuals to carry out their duties or certain activities. The energy that one has is affected by the mind perception, body, and emotions at a particular time. When one receives shocking news, they become worried and lose energy to continue working (Pandya, 2011). A prolonged period of fear and being sad emotionally leads to lack of energy and willingness to pursue a particular goal. On the other hand, one may get the motivation to carry out a task after perceiving unfair treatment with the mind. In such a case, the person who wishes to fight for justice, they get nourishment and energy to work towards achieving the goal.
The mind affects the body and emotions depending on what the mind perceives. The effect of the mind on the body and the emotions takes place at high speed in the body and automatically such that one sometimes may not notice. One requires a motive to carry out a certain task, the life-force energy, and it is affected by the way state of the body the emotions that one possess. Therefore there is a direct connection between the mind, the body emotions and the life-force energy or soul in a human life.
Kohrt, B., & Harper, I. (2008). Navigating Diagnoses: Understanding MindBody Relations, Mental Health, and Stigma in Nepal. Culture, Medicine, And Psychiatry, 32(4), 462-491. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11013-008-9110-6
Pandya, S. (2011). Understanding brain, mind and soul: Contributions from neurology and neurosurgery. Mens Sana Monographs, 9(1), 129. http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/0973-1229.77431
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