Green Toy Company in Florida - Essay Sample

Published: 2021-08-11
536 words
2 pages
5 min to read
Middlebury College
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Being in Florida for the last few years there no large toy company that is situated in this area. The Green Toys products venture has an objective that mainly targets children of below 12 years. The products are made from waste materials and will be an initiative to preserve the environment. It means that they are more cost-effective yet of an excellent top quality to most toys in the market. The item will make use of Florida's waste materials and convert to cost-effective, high quality for the middle-income economic system. With a lot of waste materials not well recycled this is a perfect business area, I wish to start my business as I will get a lot of waste materials. This area also no other company produces these type of toys, and most retailers get them from different places. If I build them, I will cut down on cost such as shipment and have a good ready market as my prices will be lower (Chen 123)

Florida also has a coastline which causes it to be less expensive to deal with products into and out of the economy. Social, Health and fitness and Environmental conditions: Florida has an economy that is doing well, and this most can be able to afford the product. The options range from both innovative levels to middle-level functions. High-level functions are however few as middle-level functions are many. The features are also middle level, but good in a standard sense (Recardo 47).

The product project is the Green Toys; most toys Company are usually expensive and prevented by most members of a center income economic system since they are not primary needs for the kids. Once kids grow out of the toys Company, they are got rid of. Green Toys will come into the economic system to make toys Company out of waste materials and sell it at a more cost-effective price in the market. Therefore all kids can have toys Company while preserving the economic system from spends nasty.

Warehouse-style shops are the main places where Green Toys Company Organization offers its items. This part of the promotion mix relates to the locations through which the firm markets or provides its products to clients. The Green Toys Company shoelaces for product submission in the factory to its clients;

In conclusion, Florida currently has an excellent economic hold even after mishaps. Moreover, the Green Toys Company plans to get into the city as a wholly possessed additional, which will benefit them because it allows them to have complete control over every aspect of the company, from price to location. However, Green Toys Company will also need to be sure to take into account nearby traditions and lifestyle to better serve neighboring inhabitants and be the most successful. With availability of raw materials and ready market its a nice business idea to locate it in this area.


Chen, C. (2009). Technology commercialization, incubator and venture capital, and new venture performance. Journal Of Business Research, 62(1), 93-103.

A joint venture in Florida. (2007). Filtration & Separation, 44(9), 9.

Recardo, R. (2017). Beyond the Administrivia: Incorporating Best Practices to Strengthen Your Human Resources Strategic Plan. Global Business And Organizational Excellence, 36(3),

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